From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents,
This year’s theme at our church’s annual Word of Truth Conference is the gospel, year two of this all-important theme. As I mentioned in last week’s Principal’s Desk, the gospel is essential for salvation, so preserving it and preaching it are also essential. Churches need to preach the gospel, because “how shall they hear without a preacher” (Romans 10:14). But they also need to preserve the gospel so that what they present does not become corrupted and turn into another gospel, a different gospel, a false gospel (cf. II Corinthians 11:4).
During next week’s conference, three men will present sessions in the morning that deal with aspects of the gospel. We hope you can make it to the sessions, all in the church auditorium. Here is the schedule:
Wednesday Evening—7:00 p.m. Pastor Bobby Mitchell preaching
Thursday—10:00 a.m. – Noon The Meaning of the Gospel, Pastor Kent Brandenburg
This session will explore the meaning of the word gospel, and then give further understanding
to the term by showing how it is used in Scripture.
Thursday Evening—7:00 p.m. Pastors Chris Teale and James Bronsveld preaching
Friday—10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The Word of God and the Gospel, Mr. David Warner
This session deals with the necessity of using the Bible when preaching the gospel. The Bible
gives the pattern to follow for seeing conversions. Substitutions will not work.
Passages that Teach Salvation but Are Often Taught as
Sanctification, Pastor Kent Brandenburg
Pastor Brandenburg will begin a two-part session explaining passages in their context that
teach characteristics of salvation but are commonly misused to teach sanctification, thus
making space for perpetual disobedience in a professing believer’s life.
Friday Evening—7:00 p.m. Pastors Chris Teale and Bobby Mitchell preaching
Saturday—10:00 a.m. – Noon The Components of the Gospel: Repentance and the Law,
Pastor James Bronsveld
The gospel is what God says it is, and salvation comes the way God says it does.
Removing repentance and its association with the Law of God redefines the gospel,
making it a different gospel. This session will show the importance of repentance in the gospel.
Sunday Morning—9:45 a.m./11:00 a.m. Pastor Bobby Mitchell preaching
Sunday Afternoon—3:00 p.m. Panel Discussion on the Gospel
Pastor Sutton
Dear Parents,
This year’s theme at our church’s annual Word of Truth Conference is the gospel, year two of this all-important theme. As I mentioned in last week’s Principal’s Desk, the gospel is essential for salvation, so preserving it and preaching it are also essential. Churches need to preach the gospel, because “how shall they hear without a preacher” (Romans 10:14). But they also need to preserve the gospel so that what they present does not become corrupted and turn into another gospel, a different gospel, a false gospel (cf. II Corinthians 11:4).
During next week’s conference, three men will present sessions in the morning that deal with aspects of the gospel. We hope you can make it to the sessions, all in the church auditorium. Here is the schedule:
Wednesday Evening—7:00 p.m. Pastor Bobby Mitchell preaching
Thursday—10:00 a.m. – Noon The Meaning of the Gospel, Pastor Kent Brandenburg
This session will explore the meaning of the word gospel, and then give further understanding
to the term by showing how it is used in Scripture.
Thursday Evening—7:00 p.m. Pastors Chris Teale and James Bronsveld preaching
Friday—10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The Word of God and the Gospel, Mr. David Warner
This session deals with the necessity of using the Bible when preaching the gospel. The Bible
gives the pattern to follow for seeing conversions. Substitutions will not work.
Passages that Teach Salvation but Are Often Taught as
Sanctification, Pastor Kent Brandenburg
Pastor Brandenburg will begin a two-part session explaining passages in their context that
teach characteristics of salvation but are commonly misused to teach sanctification, thus
making space for perpetual disobedience in a professing believer’s life.
Friday Evening—7:00 p.m. Pastors Chris Teale and Bobby Mitchell preaching
Saturday—10:00 a.m. – Noon The Components of the Gospel: Repentance and the Law,
Pastor James Bronsveld
The gospel is what God says it is, and salvation comes the way God says it does.
Removing repentance and its association with the Law of God redefines the gospel,
making it a different gospel. This session will show the importance of repentance in the gospel.
Sunday Morning—9:45 a.m./11:00 a.m. Pastor Bobby Mitchell preaching
Sunday Afternoon—3:00 p.m. Panel Discussion on the Gospel
Pastor Sutton