From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school. We are excited to begin the 2018-19 school year, and I am looking forward to a great year. Let me mention to you a few things as we move into the new school year.
First, the playground project. As you can see the playground structure is not installed. It was scheduled to be installed by the end of June, but we ran into a host of shipping delays that has unfortunately postponed installation. The good news is that the crew is scheduled to come next Tuesday, September 4th to start the project; they should be done by the end of next week.
Even though the playground structure is not finished, a lot has been finished: a cement playground box, a new sidewalk, a block retaining wall, a more gently-sloped playing field, new grass, a new sprinkler system, and four new crape myrtle trees.
Second, Back-to-School Night. For as long as I have been here, we have held Back-to-School Night on the first Friday night of the school year. But since that weekend is also Labor Day weekend, a lot of folks go out of town and miss that important meeting. So this year we are moving Back-to-School night to the second Friday night. Back-to-School Night will be September 7th at 7:30pm.
Third, Pick Up and Drop Off. When you pick up or drop off your children on the lower elementary side, please do not park and wait in front of the gate area. Use a parking stall instead; that way we keep the driving lane clear.
Thank you for choosing Bethel Christian Academy. Let’s have a great year.
Pastor Sutton
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school. We are excited to begin the 2018-19 school year, and I am looking forward to a great year. Let me mention to you a few things as we move into the new school year.
First, the playground project. As you can see the playground structure is not installed. It was scheduled to be installed by the end of June, but we ran into a host of shipping delays that has unfortunately postponed installation. The good news is that the crew is scheduled to come next Tuesday, September 4th to start the project; they should be done by the end of next week.
Even though the playground structure is not finished, a lot has been finished: a cement playground box, a new sidewalk, a block retaining wall, a more gently-sloped playing field, new grass, a new sprinkler system, and four new crape myrtle trees.
Second, Back-to-School Night. For as long as I have been here, we have held Back-to-School Night on the first Friday night of the school year. But since that weekend is also Labor Day weekend, a lot of folks go out of town and miss that important meeting. So this year we are moving Back-to-School night to the second Friday night. Back-to-School Night will be September 7th at 7:30pm.
Third, Pick Up and Drop Off. When you pick up or drop off your children on the lower elementary side, please do not park and wait in front of the gate area. Use a parking stall instead; that way we keep the driving lane clear.
Thank you for choosing Bethel Christian Academy. Let’s have a great year.
Pastor Sutton