Hot Lunch - Hot Lunch this Friday is chicken nuggets, a brownie, apple sauce, and a drink for $4.00. An extra order of chicken nuggets is $1.00. Please have your money turned in to your teacher by Thursday.
Report Cards - Report Cards will be going home with your child(ren) tomorrow. You may keep the report card.
Tardy Policy - Students not inside the classroom when the 8:30am bell rings are tardy. Please make sure your child(ren) arrives at school on time. The fee is $2.00 per unexcused tardy. Unexcused tardies are situations within your control (including heavy traffic, leaving the house late, getting up late). Excused tardies are situations beyond your control (car trouble, an accident, sickness, doctor's appointment).
Registration - Registration for the 2011-2012 school year for continuing students will start February 1st. K-8 is $250, and 9-12 is $260. All registrations received in the month of February will receive a $10 discount.
Open House - Make plans to visit the school next Friday evening at 7:30pm to observe the science/history projects the students have been working on. Also, any other families interested in sending their children to Bethel are welcome to come. At 8:30pm we will have a mandatory parent's meeting in the church auditorium.
January 19 Report cards to parents
28 Open House - Science/History Fair - 7:30-9:00pm
February 01 Returning Student Registration
04 Spelling Bee (4th-8th grades) for National Competition
08 Progress Reports to Parents
12 School Board Meeting - 12:30pm
21 NO SCHOOL - President's Day
25 End of the Fourth Grading Period
March 01 New Student Registration
02 Report Cards to Parents
04 Academic/Fine Arts Competition - 8:30am - 3:30pm
04 Spring band/Choir Concert - 7th-12th Grade - 7:30pm - Church Auditorium
09-11 Independent Baptist Academic/Fine Arts Competition - 7th-12th Grade in Ogden, Utah
18 NO SCHOOL - Teacher's Personal Business Day
22 Progress Reports to Parents
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought
for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Matthew 6:34