Hello and welcome back! We hope that you had an enjoyable Resurrection week. We trust that you’re geared up and ready for the last month of school.
Hot Lunch – Hot lunch this Friday is a cheeseburger from McDonald’s, a popsicle, fruit, and a drink for $4.00. An extra cheeseburger is $1.00. Please turn in your order by Thursday.
Tuition – May tuition is due Tuesday, May 10. As the school is coming to an end, please be sure that your account is brought to a zero balance. We appreciate your cooperation.
Field Day – Field Day is three weeks away. Stay tuned for details. If you can help, please let us know.
Extended Care – There will be two more Extended Care billing periods — April 18-May 14 and May 16-27.
Volunteer Hours – Please remember to fulfill your 8 volunteer hours (there’s opportunity with hot lunches, the auction, and field day).
Meal for the Auction – The meal for the auction night will be BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, a roll, a drink, and dessert. Come early and enjoy the meal.
Auction – We are looking forward to the raffle and live auction (May 13 at 6:30pm). If you have not picked up your raffle tickets, please do so. Keep selling those tickets. We passed out the tickets before the break. You can get more tickets in the office. We also need to fill the classroom baskets. Your student’s teacher can tell you what is needed.
Program – After the auction, the 1st-6th Grades will present a music and drama program. Stay to see this presentation.
Promotion – Would you mind putting in a good word for the school? You can go to www.yellowpages.com to share your testimony about the school. www.greatschools.org and www.yelp.com are also good places to go.
May 10 Progress reports to parents
13 Auction – 6:30pm
13 Music/Drama program – 1st-6th Grades – 7:30pm in church auditorium
14 School Board Meeting – 12:30pm
20 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00noon – No Extended Care for Kindergarten
20 Kindergarten Graduation – 7:30pm
26 Field Day
27 Last day of school – DISMISSED AT 12:00 NOON – NO EXTENDED CARE
27 End of Sixth Grading period and Second Semester
27 8th Grade Graduation – 7:30pm
29 12th Grade Graduation – 3:00pm
30 Memorial Day
June 01 Report Cards to Parents
06 Summer School Begins
11 School Board Meeting – 12:30pm
24 Summer School Ends
July 04 Office Closed – Independence Day
18-29 Office Closed
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 11:13