Tuesday Teacher’s Treats – Tuesday Teacher’s Treat will be provided by Mrs. Leticia Rodriguez. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – Hot lunch this Friday is a McDouble from McDonald’s, a bag of chips, a fruit, and a drink for $4.00. An extra sandwich is $1.00. Please turn your order and exact change by Thursday.
Progress Reports – Progress Reports will go home with students tomorrow. Please sign and return these the following day.
Fundraiser – The Read-a-thon begins next Monday, October 3 and will continue until Monday, October 17. Choose age-appropriate reading material for your child. Students will be allowed to read for one hour of school time each day of the fundraiser. Students can ask sponsors to donate a certain amount per page read during this time period. There will be plenty of awards for raising money.
7th-12th Grade Parents – There is a new school law that requires 7th-12th grade students to turn in proof of receiving the Pertussis (Tdap) shot by October 6th.
Grandparent’s Day is this Friday, September 30th. We look forward to this day when we can honor our grandparents. Grandparents are welcome to stay in their grandchildren’s classroom through lunch time. We will provide lunch. If your child’s grandparents are planning to come, please complete the form below and return it to school by Wednesday, September 28th.
Piano Lessons – Mrs. Bridget Brandenburg still has spaces available if you are interested in having your child take piano lessons during school. Contact her at 846-9029.
Tutoring Services – Mrs. Katie Robles is offering tutoring in phonics, reading, math, and English for 1st-6th Grades, and reading for Jr. High and High School. Please call 375-6299.
Violin/Guitar Lessons – Mr. Marlowe Robles is offering violin and guitar lessons. If you are interested in having lessons for your child, please contact him at 691-1271.
If your grandparent can come, please provide the following information:
Child’s name ______________________ Grade ____________
Grandparent’s Name __________________________________
Number Attending ________ Lunches needed __________
On the Calendar:
September 27 Progress Reports
30 Grandparent’s Day
October 03 Fundraiser Begins
08 School Board Meeting – 12:30pm
14 End of First Grading Period
17 Fundraiser ends
19 Report Cards to Parents