Fundraiser – Thank you to all who participated in the fundraiser. The money and page count must be turned in to your teacher by next Monday. If any parents are available, we could use some help counting the money and distributing the prizes. Call the office if you can help.
Tuesday Teacher’s Treats – Tuesday Teacher’s Treats were provided by Mrs. Veronica Campos. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – Hot Lunch this Friday is a McChicken sandwich, a cookie, chips, and a drink for $4.00. An extra sandwich is $1.00 more. Please turn your order in by Thursday.
Account Balance – Please make sure to pay your balance each month. Any running balance of $50.00 or more will assess a late fee.
Picture Retakes – Picture retakes is on Thursday, November 3, at 11:00am. Those needing retakes must return their previous pictures to the photographer on Thursday (keep your class picture, though).
Parent/Teacher Conference – These are scheduled for November 18 from noon until 4:00pm and from 7:00-9:00pm. You may call the office now to schedule your appointment with your child’s teacher.
October 24 Fundraiser ends
November 03 Picture make ups
08 Progress reports to parents
10-11 NO SCHOOL – Word of Truth Conference Bethel Baptist Church
18 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon – no extended care
Parent/Teacher conferences
23 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon
End of Second Grading Period
24-25 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving
28 Back to School – 8:30am
30 Report Cards to Parents
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. James 4:14
First Grade Sixth Grade
Nathaniel Brown Gabi Brandenburg
Elijah Nason
Nassir Pitters Seventh Grade
Nigel Pitters Macayla Brown
Angelina Sigaran Amanda Forsberg
Danielle Malacas
Second Grade Erika Pe
Obadiah Liou
Giselle Lontoc Eighth Grade
Gabrielle Malacas Garcelle Hodge
Deep Patel Bryan Rodriguez
Third Grade High School
James Archie III Natalie Brandenburg – 9th
Daniel Cartwright Claire Parker – 9th
Ashley Parker Clarissa Sutton – 11th
Katrina Stager Joyce Balatbat – 12th
Austin Thomas Julia Brandenburg – 12th
Fourth Grade
Nya Brown
Isaiah Capers
Victoria Sutton