Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for this Friday will consist of a cheeseburger from McDonald’s, an otter pop, a pack of cookies, and a drink for $4.00. An extra sandwich is $1.00. Please turn in your order by Thursday. We need at least two parents to do hot lunch this Friday,
Continuing Student Registration – Returning students may re-register in the office. Take advantage of the $10.00 for February registration.
New Student Registration – We begin accepting new student registration on March 1.
Competition – All students will participate in academic events; therefore, each student will pay $5.00. The cost for non-required events is $5 per event, with a maximum of $10. No student will pay more than $15 to compete. All applications and money must be turned in this week.
Competition Helpers – We need several parents to help with judging, grading, and monitoring.
1. Judges are needed for Art, Home Ec, Spelling, games, and P.E. events.
2. Proctors are needed for monitoring and grading Math, History, and Bible Tests
Concert – Friday, March 4th will be the 7th-12th Grade band/choir concert. The concert begins at 7:30pm in the church auditorium. We will also hand out awards to grand prize winners for the competition.
Uniforms – We have many white polo shirts for sale for $5.00 each. Sizes include children’s small, medium, and large. We also have navy blue pants in children’s small, medium, and large for $10.00 each. We need a few parents to take an inventory of and organize these uniforms.
Spring Vacation – Resurrection week is April 25-29. Mark your calendar!
Tutor – Need a tutor? Mrs. Katie Robles will tutor your child after school. If your child needs help in K-6th phonics, reading, grammar, math, spelling, history, or science, or also Junior High Literature, give her a call (510)375-6299.
February 25 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 01 New Student Registration
02 Report Cards to Parents
04 Academic/Fine Arts Competition 8:45am – 3:00pm
04 Spring Band/Choir Concert – 7th-12th grade – 7:30pm church auditorium
09-11 Independent Baptist Academic/Fine Arts Competition in Ogden, UT
18 NO SCHOOL – Teacher’s Personal Business Day
22 Progress Reports to Parents
Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8