Tuesday Teacher’s Treats were provided by Mrs. Albina Hodge. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for this Friday is pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and a drink for $4.00. An extra order of pancakes is $1.00. Please turn your order in by Thursday. No orders will be accepted on Friday.
Thanksgiving Baskets – We the teachers would like to thank all of the parents who gave towards and helped with the Thanksgiving baskets. They were tremendous this year! We extend our most heartfelt gratitude.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you or someone you know owns a business and would like to sponsor our yearbook, please send $40 and a business card. We will put an advertisement in our yearbook.
Field Day – Some parents came to us earlier in the year and asked if we could do something extra special for Field Day in May. We talked about several ides but have not settled on anything yet. We are thinking that if each child could give $20 towards the activity, we would have many options available. If you would like to give the amount now, we will set it aside until May.
December 09 Christmas Program – 7:30pm
10 School Board Meeting – 12:30pm
16 School Dismissed at 12:00noon – No Extended Care
16-30 Christmas Vacation
January 02 No School
03 Back to School – 8:30am
Progress reports to parents
16 No School
20 End of Third Grading Period – End of First Semester
25 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House – Science/History Fair – 7:30-9:00pm