Tuesday Teacher’s treats were provided by Mrs. Agness Gaadi. Thank you!
Progress Reports – Progress Reports were sent home on Tuesday. The first thing to do to correct low grades or missing work is to look at your child’s assignment notebook every day and check their work for completion and for accuracy against their assignment notebook. This pattern of accountability solves many grade-related problems.
Auction Meal – This Friday night is our auction fundraiser meal at 5:30. The pulled-pork bbq sandwiches, coleslaw, and baked beans serve as a fundraiser for the school. An adult plate sells for $12 and a child’s plate sells for $6. Drinks and desserts are $1 each.
Auction Fundraiser – This Friday night is our school’s annual auction fundraiser. The bidding begins at 6:30 in the church auditorium. Thank you to those who have made contributions to the classroom baskets.
Basket Themes
Kindergarten Gargantuan Gift Cards
First/Second Lego Land
Third/Fourth Travel the World
Fifth/Sixth Tour a’le Bike
Junior High Summer of 2017
High School The Great Outdoors
1st-6th Grade Program, with the 7th-12th – This Friday night at 7:30 is the elementary music and drama program in the church auditorium. The 1st-6th graders will present Standing in a Strange Land, the story about the three Hebrew children and Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace. Along with the 7th-12th graders, they will also sing several musical selections. Come support your children and the school for this event.
May 09 Progress Reports
12 Auction Fundraiser/1st – 6th Grades Music and Drama Program with 7th–
12th Grade – 5:30 PM– Church Auditorium
13 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
26 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon – No Afternoon extended Care for Kindergarten
26 Kindergarten Graduation – 7:30 PM
29 NO SCHOOL –Memorial Day
June 02 Last Day of School – School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon
Extended Care
02 Awards Chapel
02 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
02 8th & 12th – Grade Graduations – 7:30 PM – Church Auditorium
07 Report Cards to Parents
12 Summer School Begins
30 Summer School Ends
John 3:36 – “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
Progress Reports – Progress Reports were sent home on Tuesday. The first thing to do to correct low grades or missing work is to look at your child’s assignment notebook every day and check their work for completion and for accuracy against their assignment notebook. This pattern of accountability solves many grade-related problems.
Auction Meal – This Friday night is our auction fundraiser meal at 5:30. The pulled-pork bbq sandwiches, coleslaw, and baked beans serve as a fundraiser for the school. An adult plate sells for $12 and a child’s plate sells for $6. Drinks and desserts are $1 each.
Auction Fundraiser – This Friday night is our school’s annual auction fundraiser. The bidding begins at 6:30 in the church auditorium. Thank you to those who have made contributions to the classroom baskets.
Basket Themes
Kindergarten Gargantuan Gift Cards
First/Second Lego Land
Third/Fourth Travel the World
Fifth/Sixth Tour a’le Bike
Junior High Summer of 2017
High School The Great Outdoors
1st-6th Grade Program, with the 7th-12th – This Friday night at 7:30 is the elementary music and drama program in the church auditorium. The 1st-6th graders will present Standing in a Strange Land, the story about the three Hebrew children and Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace. Along with the 7th-12th graders, they will also sing several musical selections. Come support your children and the school for this event.
May 09 Progress Reports
12 Auction Fundraiser/1st – 6th Grades Music and Drama Program with 7th–
12th Grade – 5:30 PM– Church Auditorium
13 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
26 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon – No Afternoon extended Care for Kindergarten
26 Kindergarten Graduation – 7:30 PM
29 NO SCHOOL –Memorial Day
June 02 Last Day of School – School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon
Extended Care
02 Awards Chapel
02 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
02 8th & 12th – Grade Graduations – 7:30 PM – Church Auditorium
07 Report Cards to Parents
12 Summer School Begins
30 Summer School Ends
John 3:36 – “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”