Hot Lunch - No hot lunch this week.
Auction Meal - Thank you to so many who came out to the Auction Meal last Friday evening. The food was great, and we were glad folks were able to share a meal, spend time together, and support the school all at the same time. A special thanks to Mrs. Katie Robles and her team of ladies who put the meal together. Great job, ladies!
Music - The 1st-6th grade students, along with the 7th-12th graders, did a great job singing. The sound was warm and full. Very enjoyable. The flutophone number by the 4th-6th was great to see. We appreciate the work by Mr. Marlowe Robles and his wife Becky on the music.
Drama - The play about the three Hebrew children expressed a great point about standing for the Lord. The students spoke out as well as they ever have. Good job, students. And thank you, Mr. Glenn Robles for leading the play.
Auction Totals - See the Principal's Desk for auction totals.
May 26 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon – No Afternoon extended Care for Kindergarten
26 Kindergarten Graduation – 7:30 PM
29 NO SCHOOL –Memorial Day
June 02 Last Day of School – School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon
Extended Care
02 Awards Chapel
02 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
02 8th & 12th – Grade Graduations – 7:30 PM – Church Auditorium
07 Report Cards to Parents
12 Summer School Begins
30 Summer School Ends
Auction Meal - Thank you to so many who came out to the Auction Meal last Friday evening. The food was great, and we were glad folks were able to share a meal, spend time together, and support the school all at the same time. A special thanks to Mrs. Katie Robles and her team of ladies who put the meal together. Great job, ladies!
Music - The 1st-6th grade students, along with the 7th-12th graders, did a great job singing. The sound was warm and full. Very enjoyable. The flutophone number by the 4th-6th was great to see. We appreciate the work by Mr. Marlowe Robles and his wife Becky on the music.
Drama - The play about the three Hebrew children expressed a great point about standing for the Lord. The students spoke out as well as they ever have. Good job, students. And thank you, Mr. Glenn Robles for leading the play.
Auction Totals - See the Principal's Desk for auction totals.
May 26 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon – No Afternoon extended Care for Kindergarten
26 Kindergarten Graduation – 7:30 PM
29 NO SCHOOL –Memorial Day
June 02 Last Day of School – School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon
Extended Care
02 Awards Chapel
02 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
02 8th & 12th – Grade Graduations – 7:30 PM – Church Auditorium
07 Report Cards to Parents
12 Summer School Begins
30 Summer School Ends