Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for this Friday is a McChicken sandwich, fruit, a drink, and an ice cream sandwich for $4.00. An extra McChicken sandwich is $1.00. Please have your order and money turned in to your teacher by Thursday.
Auction Fundraiser – We raised $4,268.95 last Friday’s auction. Thank you for your time and contribution to the event.
Tuition – If you have not already paid, your May tuition is overdue. Please make sure that your tuition and any balance is paid off and brought up to a zero balance. We appreciate your co-operation.
Extended Care – There will be two more Extended Care billings for the period of April 16 - May 15 and May 16 – May 31.
Summer School – Summer school will meet every day from June 10 – June 28. We will notify you this week if your child needs to attend summer school. The core subjects your child may need tutored in will meet an hour each day. Fees are $40 per week, per subject.
Field Day – This year for Field Day we will go to the San Pablo Reservoir. Stay tuned for more information.
Registration – If you are planning to return to Bethel next school year, make sure that you register. K-8 is $300; 9th-12th is $320. You may pick up your registration packet in the office.
S.H.A.R.E.S. Card – Continue to use your S.H.A.R.E.S. card when you shop at Lucky, Food Maxx, Save Mart Supermarkets, and Smart Foods. We received $107.49 this quarter. Thank you for your participation.
Craft Camp – Craft Camp for girls 3rd grade and up is July 8th – July 13th. The homemaking skills the girls learn during this time are invaluable.
May 14 Progress Reports
24 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon – No Extended Care for Kindergarten
24 Kindergarten Graduation-7:30 PM
27 NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day
30 Field Day
31 Last Day of School – Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Extended Care
31 Awards Chapel
31 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
31 8th- Grade Graduation – 3:00 PM – Church Auditorium
June 02 12th- Grade Graduation-3:00 PM – Church Auditorium
05 Report Cards to Parents
08 School Board meeting – 12:30 PM
10 Summer School Begins
28 Summer School Ends
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17