Tuesday Teacher's Treats will be provided by Mrs. Evelyn Chikere. Thank you!
Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for Friday is a cheeseburger, chips, fruit roll up, and a drink for $5.00.
Tuition - April tuition is due tomorrow; however, if we do not receive your payment on the due date, there will be a $25 late fee billed to your account.
SAT Testing - SAT testing for 5th-12th grades began today. 1st-4th will start tomorrow. Be sure your child gets good rest and has a healthy breakfast.
Volunteer Hours - Please remember to fulfill your eight volunteer hours. You may also choose to opt out by giving $200 instead to the school.
Registrations - If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, pick up a registration packet in the office or from our website.
Auction - The 1st-6th grade music and drama program is coming up on May 13th at 5:30pm. Think of whom you can ask for donations or what you can donate for the auction. The money we raise will go toward a new playground structure.
Volleyball Game - We have a volleyball game scheduled this Friday against Arlington Christian School at 4:00 pm here weather permitting.
Summer Craft Camp - "Fall Festival" from June 18-22, 9:30am - 2:30pm daily. Available for girls 8-18 years old. $25 reservation fee, $100 payment in full (to be made by June 8), $125 payment after June 8. You may pick up the registration in the office. Please make checks payable to Bethel Baptist Church. Payments may be delivered to Bethel Christian Academy.
April 09-13 SAT Testing (1st-12th grades)
13 End of Fifth Grading Period
18 Report Cards to Parents
May 08 Progress Reports
11 Dinner/Auction Fundraiser - 1st-6th Grade Music & Drama Program
25 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care for Kinder
25 Kindergarten Graduation - 7:30pm
28 No School - Memorial Day
31 Field Day
Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for Friday is a cheeseburger, chips, fruit roll up, and a drink for $5.00.
Tuition - April tuition is due tomorrow; however, if we do not receive your payment on the due date, there will be a $25 late fee billed to your account.
SAT Testing - SAT testing for 5th-12th grades began today. 1st-4th will start tomorrow. Be sure your child gets good rest and has a healthy breakfast.
Volunteer Hours - Please remember to fulfill your eight volunteer hours. You may also choose to opt out by giving $200 instead to the school.
Registrations - If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, pick up a registration packet in the office or from our website.
Auction - The 1st-6th grade music and drama program is coming up on May 13th at 5:30pm. Think of whom you can ask for donations or what you can donate for the auction. The money we raise will go toward a new playground structure.
Volleyball Game - We have a volleyball game scheduled this Friday against Arlington Christian School at 4:00 pm here weather permitting.
Summer Craft Camp - "Fall Festival" from June 18-22, 9:30am - 2:30pm daily. Available for girls 8-18 years old. $25 reservation fee, $100 payment in full (to be made by June 8), $125 payment after June 8. You may pick up the registration in the office. Please make checks payable to Bethel Baptist Church. Payments may be delivered to Bethel Christian Academy.
April 09-13 SAT Testing (1st-12th grades)
13 End of Fifth Grading Period
18 Report Cards to Parents
May 08 Progress Reports
11 Dinner/Auction Fundraiser - 1st-6th Grade Music & Drama Program
25 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care for Kinder
25 Kindergarten Graduation - 7:30pm
28 No School - Memorial Day
31 Field Day