Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for this Friday is a corn dog, tater tots, fruit, and a drink for $5.00. An extra corn dog is $1.00. Please bring in your order and money to your teacher by Thursday.
Auction/Fundraiser - 1st-6th Grade Music and Drama Program. Each class will be making a basket for the Auction. You can contribute new items to the basket or ask a merchant to contribute items. The amount you spend can be deducted from your $200 requirement, or the time you spend soliciting merchants can be deducted from your 8 hours. The themes for each class are as follows:
Kindergarten: Ice Cream Sundae
First/Second Grades: Nifty Gift Cards
Third/Fourth Grades: Happy Father's Day
Fifth/Sixth Grades: Sportstastic
Seventh/Eighth Grades: Disney's Fab Five
Ninth-Twelfth Grades: One Incredible Evening
Chili Cook-Off - Families are invited to prepare their favorite chili recipe, and a panel of judges will determine the best chili of Bethel Christian Academy. The rest of us can purchase a bowl of chili and the fixin's, and all of the proceeds go twoard the new play structure.
Volunteer Hours - This is a reminder to fulfill your eight volunteer hours. Or you may also opt out of the hours by donating $200.
Volleyball - Congratulations to our girls volleyball team! They came in 3rd place in the volleyball tournament on Saturday.
Summer Craft Camp - "Fall Festival" from June 18-22, 9:30am - 2:30pm daily. Available for girls 8-18 years old. $25 reservation fee, $100 payment in full (to be made by June 8), $125 payment after June 8. You may pick up the registration in the office. Please make checks payable to Bethel Baptist Church. Payments may be delivered to Bethel Christian Academy.
May 08 Progress Reports
11 Dinner/Auction Fundraiser - 1st-6th Grade Music & Drama
24 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon
Extended Care for Kinder
24 Kindergarten Graduation - 7:30pm
25 12th Grade Graduation – Church Auditorium – 7:30pm
28 No School - Memorial Day
31 Field Day
June 01 Awards Chapel
01 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
01 Last Day of School – Dismissed at 12 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
01 8th Grade Graduation – Church Auditorium – 7:30pm
06 Report Cards to parents
Auction/Fundraiser - 1st-6th Grade Music and Drama Program. Each class will be making a basket for the Auction. You can contribute new items to the basket or ask a merchant to contribute items. The amount you spend can be deducted from your $200 requirement, or the time you spend soliciting merchants can be deducted from your 8 hours. The themes for each class are as follows:
Kindergarten: Ice Cream Sundae
First/Second Grades: Nifty Gift Cards
Third/Fourth Grades: Happy Father's Day
Fifth/Sixth Grades: Sportstastic
Seventh/Eighth Grades: Disney's Fab Five
Ninth-Twelfth Grades: One Incredible Evening
Chili Cook-Off - Families are invited to prepare their favorite chili recipe, and a panel of judges will determine the best chili of Bethel Christian Academy. The rest of us can purchase a bowl of chili and the fixin's, and all of the proceeds go twoard the new play structure.
Volunteer Hours - This is a reminder to fulfill your eight volunteer hours. Or you may also opt out of the hours by donating $200.
Volleyball - Congratulations to our girls volleyball team! They came in 3rd place in the volleyball tournament on Saturday.
Summer Craft Camp - "Fall Festival" from June 18-22, 9:30am - 2:30pm daily. Available for girls 8-18 years old. $25 reservation fee, $100 payment in full (to be made by June 8), $125 payment after June 8. You may pick up the registration in the office. Please make checks payable to Bethel Baptist Church. Payments may be delivered to Bethel Christian Academy.
May 08 Progress Reports
11 Dinner/Auction Fundraiser - 1st-6th Grade Music & Drama
24 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon
Extended Care for Kinder
24 Kindergarten Graduation - 7:30pm
25 12th Grade Graduation – Church Auditorium – 7:30pm
28 No School - Memorial Day
31 Field Day
June 01 Awards Chapel
01 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
01 Last Day of School – Dismissed at 12 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
01 8th Grade Graduation – Church Auditorium – 7:30pm
06 Report Cards to parents