Tuesday Teacher's treats will be provided by Mrs. Teri Talbot. Thank you!
Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for Wednesday is chicken nuggets, chips, mini cupcakes, and a drink for $5.00. Late orders cost $6.00. Please bring your money and order to your teacher by Tuesday.
Volunteer Hours - Parents, make sure to fulfill your eight (8) volunteer hours. You may also opt out of the hours by donating $200.00 to the school.
Registration - If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, pick up a registration packet from the office. Registration is $350.00 per student.
Tuition - April tuition is due today. If we do not receive payment today, there will be a $25 late fee charged to your account. Please make sure to bring your account to a zero balace. There's only one month left of tuition.
Auction - Mark your calendars for the school auction. This year the themes for the baskets are the following:
We will be auctioning off classroom baskets and other live auction items. We will also be serving a great meal that night. If you can help with the auction, please contact Pastor Sutton.
April 10-14 SAT Testing (1st-12th Grades)
12 Report Cards to Parents
14 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
17-21 Spring Vacation - Resurrection Week
24 Back to School - 8:30am
May 09 Progress Reports
12 Dinner/Auction Fundraiser; 1st-6th Program with 7th-12th - 5:30pm
13 School Board meeting - 12:30pm
26 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care for Kinder
26 Kindergarten Graduation - 7:30pm
29 No School - Memorial Day
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for Wednesday is chicken nuggets, chips, mini cupcakes, and a drink for $5.00. Late orders cost $6.00. Please bring your money and order to your teacher by Tuesday.
Volunteer Hours - Parents, make sure to fulfill your eight (8) volunteer hours. You may also opt out of the hours by donating $200.00 to the school.
Registration - If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, pick up a registration packet from the office. Registration is $350.00 per student.
Tuition - April tuition is due today. If we do not receive payment today, there will be a $25 late fee charged to your account. Please make sure to bring your account to a zero balace. There's only one month left of tuition.
Auction - Mark your calendars for the school auction. This year the themes for the baskets are the following:
- Kindergarten: Gargantuan Gift Cards
- First-Second: Lego Land
- Third-Fourth: Travel the World
- Fifth-Sixth: Tour a'le Bike
- Seventh-Eighth: The Summer of 2017
- Ninth-Twelfth: The Great Outdoors
We will be auctioning off classroom baskets and other live auction items. We will also be serving a great meal that night. If you can help with the auction, please contact Pastor Sutton.
April 10-14 SAT Testing (1st-12th Grades)
12 Report Cards to Parents
14 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
17-21 Spring Vacation - Resurrection Week
24 Back to School - 8:30am
May 09 Progress Reports
12 Dinner/Auction Fundraiser; 1st-6th Program with 7th-12th - 5:30pm
13 School Board meeting - 12:30pm
26 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care for Kinder
26 Kindergarten Graduation - 7:30pm
29 No School - Memorial Day
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1