Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for Friday is chicken nuggets, gogurt, tater tots, and a drink for $5.00. An extra order of chicken nuggets is $1.00. Turn in your order and money by Thursday.
Progress Reports - Progress reports go home Tuesday. Please sign and return.
Registration - If you are planning to return to Bethel in the fall, you must register to secure your space. Registration is $350.00.
Volleyball Game - We are scheduled for a volleyball game on Thursday, March 22 at 4:00 pm against Heritage Baptist Academy of Antioch here on our court.
Volunteer Hours - If you have not fulfilled your 8 hours of volunteer, you will have about 2 1/2 months to complete it. At the end of the school year, any unfulfilled hours will be assessed $25 per hour.
Parent Volunteer - When parents volunteer at school, please observe the following dress code: Ladies wear a loose-fitting dress or skirt and blouse; no see-through and no tight-fitting clothes. Men wear slacks, or jeans, a polo shirt or dress shirt, depending on the event. Thank you.
Yearbook - Yearbook sponsors are needed. If you or someone you know is willing to help sponsor the Bethel yearbook, please send the $50 fee for 1/8 page (business card), 1/4 page = $100, 1/2 page = $200, full page = $400. We will print the business information in the yearbook.
Summer Craft Camp - "Fall Festival" is from June 18-22, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm daily. It is available for girls 8-18 years old. The cost is $25 reservation fee, $100 payment in full (to be made by June 8). The cost is $125 if payment is after June 8. You may pick up the registration in the office. Please make checks payable to Bethel Baptist Church. Payments may be delivered to Bethel Christian Academy.
March 20 Progess Reports
30 School Dismissed at Noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
April 02-06 Spring Vacation - Resurrection Week
09 Back to School - 8:30 am
07 Pre-SAT Testing (1st-3rd only)
09-13 SAT Testing (1st-12th grades)
13 End of Fifth Grading Period
18 Report Cards to Parents
Progress Reports - Progress reports go home Tuesday. Please sign and return.
Registration - If you are planning to return to Bethel in the fall, you must register to secure your space. Registration is $350.00.
Volleyball Game - We are scheduled for a volleyball game on Thursday, March 22 at 4:00 pm against Heritage Baptist Academy of Antioch here on our court.
Volunteer Hours - If you have not fulfilled your 8 hours of volunteer, you will have about 2 1/2 months to complete it. At the end of the school year, any unfulfilled hours will be assessed $25 per hour.
Parent Volunteer - When parents volunteer at school, please observe the following dress code: Ladies wear a loose-fitting dress or skirt and blouse; no see-through and no tight-fitting clothes. Men wear slacks, or jeans, a polo shirt or dress shirt, depending on the event. Thank you.
Yearbook - Yearbook sponsors are needed. If you or someone you know is willing to help sponsor the Bethel yearbook, please send the $50 fee for 1/8 page (business card), 1/4 page = $100, 1/2 page = $200, full page = $400. We will print the business information in the yearbook.
Summer Craft Camp - "Fall Festival" is from June 18-22, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm daily. It is available for girls 8-18 years old. The cost is $25 reservation fee, $100 payment in full (to be made by June 8). The cost is $125 if payment is after June 8. You may pick up the registration in the office. Please make checks payable to Bethel Baptist Church. Payments may be delivered to Bethel Christian Academy.
March 20 Progess Reports
30 School Dismissed at Noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
April 02-06 Spring Vacation - Resurrection Week
09 Back to School - 8:30 am
07 Pre-SAT Testing (1st-3rd only)
09-13 SAT Testing (1st-12th grades)
13 End of Fifth Grading Period
18 Report Cards to Parents