Tuesday Teacher's Treats will be provided by Mrs. Evelyn Chikere. Thank you!
Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for Friday is spaghetti & meat sauce, French bread, salad, treat, and a drink for $5.00. An extra order of spaghetti is $1.50 more. Please turn in your order and money to your teacher by Wednesday. Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies will be on sale for 50 cents each during lunch.
Tuition - February tuition is due Friday, February 9th. A $25 late fee will be charged to your account if payment is not received on the due date. Any account with a running balance of $50.00 or more will also be charged a $25.00 late fee.
Registration - Registration is going on now. We are accepting registrations for new/returning students. If you are planning on returning to Bethel next fall, you must re-register. The cost is $350. February registrations receive a $50 discount. Registration forms are available in the office and on the website.
Progress Reports - Progress reports will be going home tomorrow. Please sign and return.
Spelling Bee - Congratulations to Aleyzia Walters (7th Grade) for winning Friday's spelling bee. Aleyzia will represent our school in Walnut Creek at the regional spelling bee late this spring. The winner of that contest goes to Washington D.C. to compete in the National Spelling Bee.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition 1) The application for the March 1-2, 7th-12th grade competition must be turned in by February 12th. 2) The application for the March 9th, 1st-6th grade competition must also be turned in by February 12th. All students participate in academic events, which means each student will pay at least $5.00. The cost for the non-required events is $5 per event, maximum of $10. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition.
Competition Helpers - We will need several parents to help for the competition. If you can help with judging, grading, or monitoring, fill out a volunteer form and return it to the office. The smooth flow of the day in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 volunteer hours.
Yearbook - Yearbook sponsors are needed. If you or someone you know is willing to help sponsor the Bethel yearbook, please send the $50 fee for 1/8 page (business card), 1/4 page = $100, 1/2 page = $200, full page = $400. We will print the business information in the yearbook.
Tardy Policy - When the bell rings at 8:30am, any student not inside the classroom is considered tardy. There is a $2 fee charged to your account for every unexcused tardy. Unexcused tardies are situations within your control including heavy traffic. Examples of situations that are unexcused are leaving the house late, getting up late, getting stuck in traffic. Excused tardies are situations beyond your control. Having car trouble, getting in or being stuck behind an accident, being sick. Doctors appointments will also be excused. Please make sure your child(ren) arrives on time.
Absent Note - Any students who are absent from school must bring a note upon returning to school even if a phone call has been made explaining the absence. The note should state the cause of the absence and be signed by a parent or guardian. Students must have the note in order to return to class.
Craft Camp - Stay tuned for registration. Mark your calendars for June 18-22.
February 06 Progress Reports
19 No School - President's Day
23 End of Fourth Grading Period
28 Report Cards to Parents
March 01-02 Academic/Fine Arts Competition with Berean of Ogden (7th-12th)
09 Academic/Fine Arts Competition 8:30am - 3:00pm (1st-6th)
16 No School - Teacher's Personal Business Day
20 Progess Reports
30 School Dismissed at Noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 7:11
Hot Lunch - The hot lunch for Friday is spaghetti & meat sauce, French bread, salad, treat, and a drink for $5.00. An extra order of spaghetti is $1.50 more. Please turn in your order and money to your teacher by Wednesday. Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies will be on sale for 50 cents each during lunch.
Tuition - February tuition is due Friday, February 9th. A $25 late fee will be charged to your account if payment is not received on the due date. Any account with a running balance of $50.00 or more will also be charged a $25.00 late fee.
Registration - Registration is going on now. We are accepting registrations for new/returning students. If you are planning on returning to Bethel next fall, you must re-register. The cost is $350. February registrations receive a $50 discount. Registration forms are available in the office and on the website.
Progress Reports - Progress reports will be going home tomorrow. Please sign and return.
Spelling Bee - Congratulations to Aleyzia Walters (7th Grade) for winning Friday's spelling bee. Aleyzia will represent our school in Walnut Creek at the regional spelling bee late this spring. The winner of that contest goes to Washington D.C. to compete in the National Spelling Bee.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition 1) The application for the March 1-2, 7th-12th grade competition must be turned in by February 12th. 2) The application for the March 9th, 1st-6th grade competition must also be turned in by February 12th. All students participate in academic events, which means each student will pay at least $5.00. The cost for the non-required events is $5 per event, maximum of $10. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition.
Competition Helpers - We will need several parents to help for the competition. If you can help with judging, grading, or monitoring, fill out a volunteer form and return it to the office. The smooth flow of the day in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 volunteer hours.
Yearbook - Yearbook sponsors are needed. If you or someone you know is willing to help sponsor the Bethel yearbook, please send the $50 fee for 1/8 page (business card), 1/4 page = $100, 1/2 page = $200, full page = $400. We will print the business information in the yearbook.
Tardy Policy - When the bell rings at 8:30am, any student not inside the classroom is considered tardy. There is a $2 fee charged to your account for every unexcused tardy. Unexcused tardies are situations within your control including heavy traffic. Examples of situations that are unexcused are leaving the house late, getting up late, getting stuck in traffic. Excused tardies are situations beyond your control. Having car trouble, getting in or being stuck behind an accident, being sick. Doctors appointments will also be excused. Please make sure your child(ren) arrives on time.
Absent Note - Any students who are absent from school must bring a note upon returning to school even if a phone call has been made explaining the absence. The note should state the cause of the absence and be signed by a parent or guardian. Students must have the note in order to return to class.
Craft Camp - Stay tuned for registration. Mark your calendars for June 18-22.
February 06 Progress Reports
19 No School - President's Day
23 End of Fourth Grading Period
28 Report Cards to Parents
March 01-02 Academic/Fine Arts Competition with Berean of Ogden (7th-12th)
09 Academic/Fine Arts Competition 8:30am - 3:00pm (1st-6th)
16 No School - Teacher's Personal Business Day
20 Progess Reports
30 School Dismissed at Noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 7:11