Thank you Mrs. Reigene Gonzales for providing the Tuesday teachers treats!
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is corn dogs, chips, fruit roll ups, and a drink for $5.00. Please turn in your money and order tomorrow morning. An extra order of a corn dog is $1.00.
Registration – Registration is going on now for new and returning students. If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, you must re–register. The cost is $350.00. February registrations receive a $50.00 discount. Drop by the office and pick up a registration packet. You may also print one from our website at bcaelsobrante.org.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – 7th–12th grade will be traveling to Berean Baptist in Ogden, UT on February 28 for the competition on March 1st–2nd and will return on the 4th.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – All students (1st–6th) participate in the academic events, which means each student will pay $5.00. The cost for the non–required events is $5 per event, maximum of $10. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition. Turn in your application and money for the competition this week if you have not done so.
Competition Helpers – On the day of the competition, March 10 (1st–6th), we will need several parents to help with judging, grading, and monitoring. If you can help for all or part of the day in any of these ways, we would be appreciative. The smooth flow of the day in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 hours of volunteer hours. Please sign up.
Piano Recital – This Friday, February 24th, at 7:00 p.m. is the piano recital at the church building for Mrs. Bridget Brandenburg & Miss Natalie Brandenburg’s students. Please be there at 6:45 p.m.
February 24 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 01 Report Cards to Parents
01–02 Academics/Fine Arts Competition @ Berean Baptist in
Ogden, UT (7th–12th only)
10 Academics/Fine Arts Competition 8:30 AM–3:00 PM (1st–6th only)
10 7th–12th Grade Band/Choir Concert–7:30 PM
11 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
17 NO SCHOOL–Teacher’sPersonal Business Day
21 Progress Reports
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is corn dogs, chips, fruit roll ups, and a drink for $5.00. Please turn in your money and order tomorrow morning. An extra order of a corn dog is $1.00.
Registration – Registration is going on now for new and returning students. If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, you must re–register. The cost is $350.00. February registrations receive a $50.00 discount. Drop by the office and pick up a registration packet. You may also print one from our website at bcaelsobrante.org.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – 7th–12th grade will be traveling to Berean Baptist in Ogden, UT on February 28 for the competition on March 1st–2nd and will return on the 4th.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – All students (1st–6th) participate in the academic events, which means each student will pay $5.00. The cost for the non–required events is $5 per event, maximum of $10. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition. Turn in your application and money for the competition this week if you have not done so.
Competition Helpers – On the day of the competition, March 10 (1st–6th), we will need several parents to help with judging, grading, and monitoring. If you can help for all or part of the day in any of these ways, we would be appreciative. The smooth flow of the day in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 hours of volunteer hours. Please sign up.
Piano Recital – This Friday, February 24th, at 7:00 p.m. is the piano recital at the church building for Mrs. Bridget Brandenburg & Miss Natalie Brandenburg’s students. Please be there at 6:45 p.m.
February 24 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 01 Report Cards to Parents
01–02 Academics/Fine Arts Competition @ Berean Baptist in
Ogden, UT (7th–12th only)
10 Academics/Fine Arts Competition 8:30 AM–3:00 PM (1st–6th only)
10 7th–12th Grade Band/Choir Concert–7:30 PM
11 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
17 NO SCHOOL–Teacher’sPersonal Business Day
21 Progress Reports