Hot Lunch – Hot lunch for Friday is a grilled cheese sandwich, chocolate covered pretzels, a fruit cup, a drink, and a treat for $5.00. An extra grilled cheese sandwich is $1.00. Please turn your order in by Thursday.
Registration – Registration is going on now. We are accepting registrations for both new and returning students. The cost is $300.00 for K-8th Grades and $320.00 for 9th-12th Grades. All February registrations will receive a $25.00 discount. Drop by the office to pick up your registration packet.\
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – Included in today’s Newsflash was the application for the March 14th competition. The competition is a great opportunity for the students to sharpen their skills in specialized areas. The competition helps develop students’ strengths and well-roundedness. All students participate in the academic events, which means each student will pay $5.00. The cost for non-required events is $5 per event with a maximum of $10. No Student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition. All applications and money for the competition must be turned in by February 24.
Competition Helpers – We need several parents to help on competition day with the judging, grading, and monitoring. If you can help on March 14th for all or part of the day in any of these ways, we would appreciate it. The smooth flow of the day in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 hours of volunteer hours. We will send home a volunteer sign-up list in a couple of weeks.
S.H.A.R.E.S – Continue to help out Bethel by using your S.H.A.R.E.S card when you shop at Food Maxx, Lucky, Save Mart supermarkets, and Smart Foods. They will donate a percentage to Bethel from the total sale. If you do not have a card, come by the office to pick one up.
February 28 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 05 Report Cards to Parents
08 School Board Meeting – 12:30 pm
14 Academic/Fine Arts Competition – 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
7th-12th Grade Band/Choir Concert – 7:30 pm
21 No School – Teacher’s Personal Business Day
25 Progress Reports to Parents
April 11 End of Fifth Grading Period
Registration – Registration is going on now. We are accepting registrations for both new and returning students. The cost is $300.00 for K-8th Grades and $320.00 for 9th-12th Grades. All February registrations will receive a $25.00 discount. Drop by the office to pick up your registration packet.\
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – Included in today’s Newsflash was the application for the March 14th competition. The competition is a great opportunity for the students to sharpen their skills in specialized areas. The competition helps develop students’ strengths and well-roundedness. All students participate in the academic events, which means each student will pay $5.00. The cost for non-required events is $5 per event with a maximum of $10. No Student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition. All applications and money for the competition must be turned in by February 24.
Competition Helpers – We need several parents to help on competition day with the judging, grading, and monitoring. If you can help on March 14th for all or part of the day in any of these ways, we would appreciate it. The smooth flow of the day in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 hours of volunteer hours. We will send home a volunteer sign-up list in a couple of weeks.
S.H.A.R.E.S – Continue to help out Bethel by using your S.H.A.R.E.S card when you shop at Food Maxx, Lucky, Save Mart supermarkets, and Smart Foods. They will donate a percentage to Bethel from the total sale. If you do not have a card, come by the office to pick one up.
February 28 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 05 Report Cards to Parents
08 School Board Meeting – 12:30 pm
14 Academic/Fine Arts Competition – 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
7th-12th Grade Band/Choir Concert – 7:30 pm
21 No School – Teacher’s Personal Business Day
25 Progress Reports to Parents
April 11 End of Fifth Grading Period