Hot Lunch - Hot lunch for this Friday is a hot dog, chips, treat, fruit, and a drink for $5.00. An extra hot dog is $1.00. Please turn in your order and money to your teacher by Wednesday.
No School - There will be no school on Monday, February 19th, President's Day.
Registration - Registration is going on now for new and returning students. If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, you must re-register. The cost is $350. February registrations receive a $50 discount. Drop by the office and pick up a registration packet. You may also print one from our website.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition - The Academic/Fine Arts Competition for 7th-12th grade is March 1-2 with Berean Baptist Chrsitian from Ogden, UT. The cost for the non-required events is $5 per even, maximum of $10. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition. All applications and money for the competition must be turned in today.
Competition Helpers - The days of the competition, March 1-2 for the 7th-12th and March 9 for 1st-6th, we will need several parent helpers to judge, grade, and monitor. If you can help in any of these ways, we would appreciate it. The smooth flow of these days in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 hours of volunteer hours. Please sign up.
February 19 No School - President's Day
23 End of Fourth Grading Period
28 Report Cards to Parents
March 01-02 Academic/Fine Arts Competition with Berean of Ogden (7th-12th)
09 Academic/Fine Arts Competition 8:30am - 3:00pm (1st-6th)
16 No School - Teacher's Personal Business Day
20 Progess Reports
30 School Dismissed at Noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. Psalm 37:8
No School - There will be no school on Monday, February 19th, President's Day.
Registration - Registration is going on now for new and returning students. If you are planning to return to Bethel next fall, you must re-register. The cost is $350. February registrations receive a $50 discount. Drop by the office and pick up a registration packet. You may also print one from our website.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition - The Academic/Fine Arts Competition for 7th-12th grade is March 1-2 with Berean Baptist Chrsitian from Ogden, UT. The cost for the non-required events is $5 per even, maximum of $10. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition. All applications and money for the competition must be turned in today.
Competition Helpers - The days of the competition, March 1-2 for the 7th-12th and March 9 for 1st-6th, we will need several parent helpers to judge, grade, and monitor. If you can help in any of these ways, we would appreciate it. The smooth flow of these days in a large way depends upon our parent helpers. This can count towards your 8 hours of volunteer hours. Please sign up.
February 19 No School - President's Day
23 End of Fourth Grading Period
28 Report Cards to Parents
March 01-02 Academic/Fine Arts Competition with Berean of Ogden (7th-12th)
09 Academic/Fine Arts Competition 8:30am - 3:00pm (1st-6th)
16 No School - Teacher's Personal Business Day
20 Progess Reports
30 School Dismissed at Noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. Psalm 37:8