Monday Teacher’s Treats is provided by Mrs. Burrough & Tuesday Teacher’s Treats will be provided by Mrs. Obuba. Thank youtt !
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is a hot dog, chips, fruit, and a drink for 5.00. An extra order of hot dog is $1.00. Bring your order and money to your teacher by Tuesday. Late orders are $1.00 more.
Tuition – Just a reminder that tuition is due tomorrow, January 10th. Please bring in your tuition to avoid a late fee of $25.00.
NO SCHOOL – There will be no school next Monday, January 16 –Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Tuesday Teacher’s Treats – If you would like to provide Tuesday teacher’s treats, there are many spaces available. Call or drop by the office.
Science/History Fair Boards – Each 4th–12th grade student will need a display board for the Science/ History Fair. The boards are $7.00 each. Please give the money to your child’s teacher. We will then give a board to your child.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel yearbook and advertise his business, they can give their add and check to the office. The rates are 1/8 page=$50.00 (business card), ¼ page $100.00, ½ page=$200.00, full page=$400.00.
Auction Fundraiser – Keep in mind the Auction Fundraiser in May. Be thinking of whom to ask to donate items to the auction.
January 13 End of Third Grading Period–End of First Semester
14 School Board Meeting–12:30 PM
16 NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
18 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House–Science/History Fair – 7:30–8:30 PM
27 Mid-Year Parents Meeting-8:30-9:00 PM-Church Auditorium
February 01 Student Registration Begins for 2017-2018
03 Spelling Bee (4th–8th grades) for National Competition – 8:45 AM
07 Progress Reports
11 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
24 End of Fourth Grading Period
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is a hot dog, chips, fruit, and a drink for 5.00. An extra order of hot dog is $1.00. Bring your order and money to your teacher by Tuesday. Late orders are $1.00 more.
Tuition – Just a reminder that tuition is due tomorrow, January 10th. Please bring in your tuition to avoid a late fee of $25.00.
NO SCHOOL – There will be no school next Monday, January 16 –Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Tuesday Teacher’s Treats – If you would like to provide Tuesday teacher’s treats, there are many spaces available. Call or drop by the office.
Science/History Fair Boards – Each 4th–12th grade student will need a display board for the Science/ History Fair. The boards are $7.00 each. Please give the money to your child’s teacher. We will then give a board to your child.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel yearbook and advertise his business, they can give their add and check to the office. The rates are 1/8 page=$50.00 (business card), ¼ page $100.00, ½ page=$200.00, full page=$400.00.
Auction Fundraiser – Keep in mind the Auction Fundraiser in May. Be thinking of whom to ask to donate items to the auction.
January 13 End of Third Grading Period–End of First Semester
14 School Board Meeting–12:30 PM
16 NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
18 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House–Science/History Fair – 7:30–8:30 PM
27 Mid-Year Parents Meeting-8:30-9:00 PM-Church Auditorium
February 01 Student Registration Begins for 2017-2018
03 Spelling Bee (4th–8th grades) for National Competition – 8:45 AM
07 Progress Reports
11 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
24 End of Fourth Grading Period