Tuesday Teachers’ Treats will be provided by Mrs. Reyes. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Friday is chicken nuggets, a cookie, a fruit, and a drink for $5.00. An extra order of chicken nuggets is $1.00. All orders must be received on Wednesday. We will not accept orders on Friday.
Registration – Registration begins February 1st for new and returning students.
Open House – The Science/History Fair is this Friday, 7:30 p.m. to observe the science/history projects the students have been working on. Please invite any parents interested in sending their children to Bethel so these families can see the types of projects our students do.
Parent Meeting – At 8:30 p.m. Friday night, we will have our mid – year parent meeting in the church auditorium.
29 Open House-Science/History Fair–7:30–9:00 PM
01 Open Registration for New School Year
05 Spelling Bee (4th – 8th Grades) for National Competition-8:45 AM
09 Progress Reports
13 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
15 NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day
26 End of Fourth Grading Period
Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from the generation
for ever. Psalm 12:7
Congratulations to everyone who made the Honor Roll for the 3rd Grading Period
First Grade Third Grade Fifth Grade
Ahiezer Beltran Emma Chikere Nassir Pitters
Azariah Dilawa Samara Dilawar Nigel Pitters
Mya Hargraves Whitney Jensen Joy Stager
Moises Herrera Semaj Manuel
Tabatha Herrera Adora Obuba Sixth Grade
Bryce Kelso Kaileen Ramirez
Tumi Lasode Evan Shepherd Deborah Chikere
Nahum Michael Yafet Solemon Ailill Evans
Paladin Moore Sophia Sutton
Eliana Nunsuch Ben Thompson Eighth Grade
Vanessa Razo
Olivia Salazar Fourth Grade Isaiah Capers
Miles Woods Victoria Sutton
Bryan Almeida
Second Grade Isaac Jones High School
Elani Obelton
Christian Jackson Nehemiah Pitters Gabi Brandenburg
Daritza Nino Eunice Rodriguez Bryan Rodriguez
Julian Nonoguchi Tommy Wong
Malachi Nunsuch
Jarric Owen
Eliana Samson
Yarelie Sigaran
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Friday is chicken nuggets, a cookie, a fruit, and a drink for $5.00. An extra order of chicken nuggets is $1.00. All orders must be received on Wednesday. We will not accept orders on Friday.
Registration – Registration begins February 1st for new and returning students.
Open House – The Science/History Fair is this Friday, 7:30 p.m. to observe the science/history projects the students have been working on. Please invite any parents interested in sending their children to Bethel so these families can see the types of projects our students do.
Parent Meeting – At 8:30 p.m. Friday night, we will have our mid – year parent meeting in the church auditorium.
29 Open House-Science/History Fair–7:30–9:00 PM
01 Open Registration for New School Year
05 Spelling Bee (4th – 8th Grades) for National Competition-8:45 AM
09 Progress Reports
13 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
15 NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day
26 End of Fourth Grading Period
Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from the generation
for ever. Psalm 12:7
Congratulations to everyone who made the Honor Roll for the 3rd Grading Period
First Grade Third Grade Fifth Grade
Ahiezer Beltran Emma Chikere Nassir Pitters
Azariah Dilawa Samara Dilawar Nigel Pitters
Mya Hargraves Whitney Jensen Joy Stager
Moises Herrera Semaj Manuel
Tabatha Herrera Adora Obuba Sixth Grade
Bryce Kelso Kaileen Ramirez
Tumi Lasode Evan Shepherd Deborah Chikere
Nahum Michael Yafet Solemon Ailill Evans
Paladin Moore Sophia Sutton
Eliana Nunsuch Ben Thompson Eighth Grade
Vanessa Razo
Olivia Salazar Fourth Grade Isaiah Capers
Miles Woods Victoria Sutton
Bryan Almeida
Second Grade Isaac Jones High School
Elani Obelton
Christian Jackson Nehemiah Pitters Gabi Brandenburg
Daritza Nino Eunice Rodriguez Bryan Rodriguez
Julian Nonoguchi Tommy Wong
Malachi Nunsuch
Jarric Owen
Eliana Samson
Yarelie Sigaran