Tuesday Teacher’s Treats will be provided by Mrs. Deadra Henderson. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is cheeseburger, chips, brownies, and a drink for $5.00. An extra cheeseburger is $1.00. Turn in your order and money by Tuesday.
Half-a-Day - This Friday, December 16th, is half-day. BCA will be dismissed at 12:00 noon for the Christmas Holiday. There will be no Extended Care. Please make plans to pick up your child(ren) as soon as school is dismissed.
Tamales Fundraiser - You may still order tamales by Tuesday. Bring your order and money to the office tomorrow if you are interested. One dozen chicken tamales or one dozen cheese tamales are $22.00.
Fundraiser - The cakes & tamales will arrive this Wednesday, December 14. Please pick up your cakes & tamales after school in room 9 – on the auditorium side. Thank you for your participation.
Christmas Vacation – Christmas Vacation is December 29 – January 2.
Enjoy your holidays, and we will see you back next year on January 3rd 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
December 14 Progress Reports
16 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
12/19-12/30 NO SCHOOL – Christmas Vacation
January 02 NO SCHOOL
03 Back to School – 8:30 AM
13 End of Third Grading Period-End f First Semester
14 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
16 NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
18 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House-Science/History Fair-7:30-9:00 PM
27 Mid-Year Parents Meeting-8:30-9:00 PM-Church Auditorium
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Sviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is cheeseburger, chips, brownies, and a drink for $5.00. An extra cheeseburger is $1.00. Turn in your order and money by Tuesday.
Half-a-Day - This Friday, December 16th, is half-day. BCA will be dismissed at 12:00 noon for the Christmas Holiday. There will be no Extended Care. Please make plans to pick up your child(ren) as soon as school is dismissed.
Tamales Fundraiser - You may still order tamales by Tuesday. Bring your order and money to the office tomorrow if you are interested. One dozen chicken tamales or one dozen cheese tamales are $22.00.
Fundraiser - The cakes & tamales will arrive this Wednesday, December 14. Please pick up your cakes & tamales after school in room 9 – on the auditorium side. Thank you for your participation.
Christmas Vacation – Christmas Vacation is December 29 – January 2.
Enjoy your holidays, and we will see you back next year on January 3rd 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
December 14 Progress Reports
16 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
12/19-12/30 NO SCHOOL – Christmas Vacation
January 02 NO SCHOOL
03 Back to School – 8:30 AM
13 End of Third Grading Period-End f First Semester
14 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
16 NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
18 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House-Science/History Fair-7:30-9:00 PM
27 Mid-Year Parents Meeting-8:30-9:00 PM-Church Auditorium
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Sviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11