Tuesday Teacher’s Treats will be provided by Mrs. Cathy Sutton. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch this Friday is chicken noodle soup, a drink, and a treat for $5.00. Please bring in your order and your money to your teacher by Wednesday. We will not accept orders on Friday.
Thanksgiving Baskets – Thank you to all the parents who donated the food to the teachers and staff members for the Thanksgiving baskets. We very much appreciated and enjoyed the gifts.
December Tuition – December tuition is due on Wednesday, December 10th. Please avoid a late fee of $20.00 by paying December tuition on or before the due date. Make sure that the entire balance is paid off. Any running balance of $50.00 or more will be assessed a $20.00 fee.
Basketball Game – We are scheduled to play against Hopewell Baptist Christian of Napa here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m., weather permitting and Central Valley Baptist Academy on Thursday.
Specialty Cakes Fundraiser – We will extend the ordering deadline for the specialty cakes until this Friday, December 5. You may get additional order forms in the office. Thank you for your help.
Concert Dress – The concert dress for next week’s 1st-12th grade Christmas program is as follows: Boys—white shirts, dark ties, black pants, black socks, and dark dress shoes; Girls—white shirts, black knee-length (or longer) skirt, black tights, and dark dress shoes. We will have a dress check next Wednesday, December 10th. Please have your child bring his clothes on that day.
December 01 Back to School – 8:30 AM
12 Christmas Program – 7th - 12th Grades, with 1st - 6th Grades – 7:30 PM -
Church Auditorium
13 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
16 Progress Reports
19 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
12/22-01/02 NO SCHOOL – Christmas Vacation
January 01 NO SCHOOL – New Year’s Day
05 Back to School – 8:30 AM
10 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
16 End of Third Grading Period-End of First Semester
19 NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Honor Roll
Congratulations to all the BCA students who worked hard to earn their way to the Honor Roll List for the second grading period!
First Grade Third Grade Sixth Grade
Christian Jackson Bryan Almeida Ashley Parker
Julian Nonoguchi Ryan Lontoc Katrina Stager
Malachi Nunsuch Elani Obelton
Jarric Owen Nehemiah Pitters Seventh Grade
Maya Rose Eunice Rodriguez
Eliana Samson Victoria Sutton
Second Grade Fourth Grade High School
Samara Dilawar Jermain Hargraves Gabi Brandenburg—9th
Whitney Jensen Nassir Pitters Bryan Rodriguez—11th
Semaj Manuel Nigel Pitters NatalieBrandenburg-12th
Abigail Seevers Angelina Sigaran Claire Parker—12th
Evan Shepherd
Yafet Solemon Fifth Grade
Sophia Sutton
Ben Thompson Gabrielle Malacas
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch this Friday is chicken noodle soup, a drink, and a treat for $5.00. Please bring in your order and your money to your teacher by Wednesday. We will not accept orders on Friday.
Thanksgiving Baskets – Thank you to all the parents who donated the food to the teachers and staff members for the Thanksgiving baskets. We very much appreciated and enjoyed the gifts.
December Tuition – December tuition is due on Wednesday, December 10th. Please avoid a late fee of $20.00 by paying December tuition on or before the due date. Make sure that the entire balance is paid off. Any running balance of $50.00 or more will be assessed a $20.00 fee.
Basketball Game – We are scheduled to play against Hopewell Baptist Christian of Napa here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m., weather permitting and Central Valley Baptist Academy on Thursday.
Specialty Cakes Fundraiser – We will extend the ordering deadline for the specialty cakes until this Friday, December 5. You may get additional order forms in the office. Thank you for your help.
Concert Dress – The concert dress for next week’s 1st-12th grade Christmas program is as follows: Boys—white shirts, dark ties, black pants, black socks, and dark dress shoes; Girls—white shirts, black knee-length (or longer) skirt, black tights, and dark dress shoes. We will have a dress check next Wednesday, December 10th. Please have your child bring his clothes on that day.
December 01 Back to School – 8:30 AM
12 Christmas Program – 7th - 12th Grades, with 1st - 6th Grades – 7:30 PM -
Church Auditorium
13 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
16 Progress Reports
19 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
12/22-01/02 NO SCHOOL – Christmas Vacation
January 01 NO SCHOOL – New Year’s Day
05 Back to School – 8:30 AM
10 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
16 End of Third Grading Period-End of First Semester
19 NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Honor Roll
Congratulations to all the BCA students who worked hard to earn their way to the Honor Roll List for the second grading period!
First Grade Third Grade Sixth Grade
Christian Jackson Bryan Almeida Ashley Parker
Julian Nonoguchi Ryan Lontoc Katrina Stager
Malachi Nunsuch Elani Obelton
Jarric Owen Nehemiah Pitters Seventh Grade
Maya Rose Eunice Rodriguez
Eliana Samson Victoria Sutton
Second Grade Fourth Grade High School
Samara Dilawar Jermain Hargraves Gabi Brandenburg—9th
Whitney Jensen Nassir Pitters Bryan Rodriguez—11th
Semaj Manuel Nigel Pitters NatalieBrandenburg-12th
Abigail Seevers Angelina Sigaran Claire Parker—12th
Evan Shepherd
Yafet Solemon Fifth Grade
Sophia Sutton
Ben Thompson Gabrielle Malacas