Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Marco Rodriguez, for providing the Tuesday Teacher’s Treats!
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is chicken nuggets, chips, a cookie, and a drink for $5.00. Late orders are $1.00.
Science/History Fair Boards – Each 4th–12th grade student will need a display board for the Science/History Fair. The boards are $7.00 each. You may pick them up from the office.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel Yearbook and advertise that business. The rates are 1/8 page=$50.00 business card, ¼ page $100.00, ½ page=$200.00, full page=$400.00 which will be printed in the yearbook.
Registration – Registration begins February 1st for new and returning students. The registration fee is $350.00. However, February registrations receive a $50.00 discount.
Tuition – If you have a balance on your account of $50.00 or more there will be a late fee of $25.00 charged to your account each month until the balance is paid off.
January 18 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House-Science/History Fair – 7:30–8:30 PM
27 Mid–Year Parent Meeting – 8:30–9:00 PM
February 01 Open Registration for new school year
03 Spelling Bee (4th–8th Grades) for National Competition–8:45 AM
07 Progress Reports
11 School Board Meeting–12:30 PM
20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
24 End of Fourth Grading Period
…Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13b
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Wednesday is chicken nuggets, chips, a cookie, and a drink for $5.00. Late orders are $1.00.
Science/History Fair Boards – Each 4th–12th grade student will need a display board for the Science/History Fair. The boards are $7.00 each. You may pick them up from the office.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel Yearbook and advertise that business. The rates are 1/8 page=$50.00 business card, ¼ page $100.00, ½ page=$200.00, full page=$400.00 which will be printed in the yearbook.
Registration – Registration begins February 1st for new and returning students. The registration fee is $350.00. However, February registrations receive a $50.00 discount.
Tuition – If you have a balance on your account of $50.00 or more there will be a late fee of $25.00 charged to your account each month until the balance is paid off.
January 18 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House-Science/History Fair – 7:30–8:30 PM
27 Mid–Year Parent Meeting – 8:30–9:00 PM
February 01 Open Registration for new school year
03 Spelling Bee (4th–8th Grades) for National Competition–8:45 AM
07 Progress Reports
11 School Board Meeting–12:30 PM
20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
24 End of Fourth Grading Period
…Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13b