Hot Lunch - We will start to serve hot lunch next Friday! Look for next week's menu in the newsflash.
Science/History Fair Boards - Each 4th-12th grade student will need a display board for the Science/History fair. The boards are $7.00 each. You may pick them up from the office.
Yearbook Sponsors -If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel yearbook and advertise his business, they can give their ad and check to the office. The rates are 1/8 page=$50.00 (business card), 1/4 page=$100.00, 1/2 page=$200.00, full page =$400.00.
Registration -Registration begins February 1st for new and returning students. The registration fee is $350. However, February registrations receive a $50 discount.
Tuition - If you have a balance on your account of $50 or more there will be a late fee of $25 charged to your account each month until the balance is paid off.
January 17 Report Cards to Parents
26 Open House-Science/History Fair - 7:30-9:00pm
26 Mid-Year Parents Meeting - 8:30-9:00pm - Church Auditorium
February 01 Student Registration Begins for 2018-2019
02 Spelling Bee (4th-8th grades) for National Competition - 8:45am
06 Progress Reports
19 No School - President's Day
23 End of Fourth Grading Period
28 Report Cards to Parents
Science/History Fair Boards - Each 4th-12th grade student will need a display board for the Science/History fair. The boards are $7.00 each. You may pick them up from the office.
Yearbook Sponsors -If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel yearbook and advertise his business, they can give their ad and check to the office. The rates are 1/8 page=$50.00 (business card), 1/4 page=$100.00, 1/2 page=$200.00, full page =$400.00.
Registration -Registration begins February 1st for new and returning students. The registration fee is $350. However, February registrations receive a $50 discount.
Tuition - If you have a balance on your account of $50 or more there will be a late fee of $25 charged to your account each month until the balance is paid off.
January 17 Report Cards to Parents
26 Open House-Science/History Fair - 7:30-9:00pm
26 Mid-Year Parents Meeting - 8:30-9:00pm - Church Auditorium
February 01 Student Registration Begins for 2018-2019
02 Spelling Bee (4th-8th grades) for National Competition - 8:45am
06 Progress Reports
19 No School - President's Day
23 End of Fourth Grading Period
28 Report Cards to Parents