Tuesday Teacher’s Treats will be provided by Mrs. Cathy Stager. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – Hot lunch this week is 2 tacos from Jack in the Box, chips, gogurt, a treat, and a drink for $5.00. An extra order of tacos is $1.00. Please turn your order in by Thursday.
This Friday marks the end of the third grading period and the first semester.
Science/History Fair Boards – Each 4th-12th grade student will need a display board for the science/history fair. The boards are $7.00 each. Please give the money to your student’s teacher, who will then give a board to your child. The boards will be available this week.
Registration – Registration for next school year begins February 1st for new and returning students. The registration fee is $300.00, and registrations in February receive a $25.00 discount.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel yearbook, please send $50.00 and a business card which will be printed in the yearbook.
January 17 End of Third Grading Period – End of First Semester
20 No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
22 Report Cards to Parents
31 Open House – Science/History Fair – 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Mid-Year Parent Meeting – Church Auditorium – 8:30 – 9:00 pm
February 03 Registration for New School Year
07 Spelling Bee (4th-8th Grades) for national competition
11 Progress Reports to Parents
17 No School – Teacher’s Personal Business Day
…Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13b
Hot Lunch – Hot lunch this week is 2 tacos from Jack in the Box, chips, gogurt, a treat, and a drink for $5.00. An extra order of tacos is $1.00. Please turn your order in by Thursday.
This Friday marks the end of the third grading period and the first semester.
Science/History Fair Boards – Each 4th-12th grade student will need a display board for the science/history fair. The boards are $7.00 each. Please give the money to your student’s teacher, who will then give a board to your child. The boards will be available this week.
Registration – Registration for next school year begins February 1st for new and returning students. The registration fee is $300.00, and registrations in February receive a $25.00 discount.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you or someone you know is interested in helping sponsor the Bethel yearbook, please send $50.00 and a business card which will be printed in the yearbook.
January 17 End of Third Grading Period – End of First Semester
20 No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
22 Report Cards to Parents
31 Open House – Science/History Fair – 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Mid-Year Parent Meeting – Church Auditorium – 8:30 – 9:00 pm
February 03 Registration for New School Year
07 Spelling Bee (4th-8th Grades) for national competition
11 Progress Reports to Parents
17 No School – Teacher’s Personal Business Day
…Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13b