Thank you Mrs. Evelyn Chikere for providing the teacher’s treats last Tuesday.
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Friday is a hot dog, chips, fruit, and a drink for $5.00. An extra hot dog is $1.00. Please turn in your order and money to your teacher by Thursday.
Tuesday Teacher’s Treats – If you would like to provide Teacher’s Treats on Tuesday or any other day, please sign up or call the office to schedule.
Tuition – Just a reminder that October tuition is due tomorrow, please make sure that tuition is paid on or before the due date to avoid a $25.00 late fee on your account.
Read–a–Thon Fundraiser – The Read–a–Thon Fundraiser started yesterday and will continue until Monday, October 22. Continue to read and get as many sponsors as you can. The proceeds will go toward a new fence along the school parking lot and new railings along the sidewalk. We ask that every student (K–12) participate.
Report Cards – Report cards will be sent home with your child(ren) tomorrow.
Basketball Game – We have a basketball game scheduled today @ 4:00 PM against Heritage Christian Academy in Antioch.
October 09 Picture Day – 9:00 AM
10 Report Cards to Parents
22 Read–a–Thon Fundraiser Ends
30 Progress Reports
November 08–09 NO SCHOOL – Bethel Baptist Church Word of Truth Conference
14 End of Second Grading Period
16 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
16 Parent/Teacher Conferences -12:00-4:00 PM/7:00-9:00 PM (Other times may be scheduled)
16 Report Cards to Parents
21 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
22–23 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Vacation
26 Back to School–8:30 AM
…prepare to meet thy God. Amos 4:12b
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Friday is a hot dog, chips, fruit, and a drink for $5.00. An extra hot dog is $1.00. Please turn in your order and money to your teacher by Thursday.
Tuesday Teacher’s Treats – If you would like to provide Teacher’s Treats on Tuesday or any other day, please sign up or call the office to schedule.
Tuition – Just a reminder that October tuition is due tomorrow, please make sure that tuition is paid on or before the due date to avoid a $25.00 late fee on your account.
Read–a–Thon Fundraiser – The Read–a–Thon Fundraiser started yesterday and will continue until Monday, October 22. Continue to read and get as many sponsors as you can. The proceeds will go toward a new fence along the school parking lot and new railings along the sidewalk. We ask that every student (K–12) participate.
Report Cards – Report cards will be sent home with your child(ren) tomorrow.
Basketball Game – We have a basketball game scheduled today @ 4:00 PM against Heritage Christian Academy in Antioch.
October 09 Picture Day – 9:00 AM
10 Report Cards to Parents
22 Read–a–Thon Fundraiser Ends
30 Progress Reports
November 08–09 NO SCHOOL – Bethel Baptist Church Word of Truth Conference
14 End of Second Grading Period
16 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
16 Parent/Teacher Conferences -12:00-4:00 PM/7:00-9:00 PM (Other times may be scheduled)
16 Report Cards to Parents
21 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
22–23 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Vacation
26 Back to School–8:30 AM
…prepare to meet thy God. Amos 4:12b