Tuesday Teacher's Treats were provided by Mrs. Lorena Sigaran. Thank you!
Hot Lunch - Hot lunch this Friday will consist of a hot dog, a bag of chips, fruit, ice cream, and a drink for $5.00. An extra hot dog is $1.00. Please bring your order and money in by Wednesday.
Report Cards - Report cards were sent home on Wednesday.
Read-a-Thon - The Read-a-Thon Fundraiser will continue until next Monday, October 20. Continue to read and get as many sponsors as you can. We ask that everyone participate.
October 15 Report Cards to Parents
20 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser ends
23 Picture Make Up Day
November 04 Progress Reports
06-07 No School - Bethel Baptist Church Word of Truth Conference
08 School Board Meeting - 12:30 pm
21 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:00 to 4:00 pm/ 7:00 to 9:00 pm
End of Second Grading Period; Report Cards to Parents
26 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
27-28 No School - Thanksgiving Vacation
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13
Hot Lunch - Hot lunch this Friday will consist of a hot dog, a bag of chips, fruit, ice cream, and a drink for $5.00. An extra hot dog is $1.00. Please bring your order and money in by Wednesday.
Report Cards - Report cards were sent home on Wednesday.
Read-a-Thon - The Read-a-Thon Fundraiser will continue until next Monday, October 20. Continue to read and get as many sponsors as you can. We ask that everyone participate.
October 15 Report Cards to Parents
20 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser ends
23 Picture Make Up Day
November 04 Progress Reports
06-07 No School - Bethel Baptist Church Word of Truth Conference
08 School Board Meeting - 12:30 pm
21 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
Parent/Teacher Conferences - 12:00 to 4:00 pm/ 7:00 to 9:00 pm
End of Second Grading Period; Report Cards to Parents
26 School Dismissed at 12:00 noon - No Afternoon Extended Care
27-28 No School - Thanksgiving Vacation
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13