Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Friday is 2 slices of pizza, a fruit, a treat, and a drink for $5.00 for the 1st child, $4.00 for the 2nd child, and $3.00 for the 3rd child. An extra slice of pizza is $1.00 more. Please turn your order in by Thursday.
Tuition – October tuition is due on Thursday, October 10th.
Report Cards – Report cards will be going home next Wednesday.
Read-a-Thon Fundraiser – The Read-a-Thon Fundraiser starts today, and will continue until Monday, October 21. We ask that every student participate. Continue reading and getting sponsors.
Read-a-Thon Prizes – Everyone who raises at least $50.00 will receive 10% cash back of the total amount raised. The top fundraiser and top reader will receive $50.00; the second reader and fundraiser will receive $25.00. The class with the highest average funds raised will receive a lunch party. Also, the top 10 fundraisers ($250.00 minimum) win the Sky High Sports trip and meal.
No School – No school next Monday for Columbus Day.
Identification – Please write your child’s name on his belongings.
Basketball Game – We have another game scheduled this Friday, October 11 against Heritage Baptist Academy in Antioch at 4:30 p.m. The address is 5200 Heidorn Ranch Road, Antioch (925)778-2234.
Nail Polish – We have several bottles of O.P.I nail polish that were donated. The bottles are $5 each or 5 for $20.00.
Tuition – October tuition is due on Thursday, October 10th.
Report Cards – Report cards will be going home next Wednesday.
Read-a-Thon Fundraiser – The Read-a-Thon Fundraiser starts today, and will continue until Monday, October 21. We ask that every student participate. Continue reading and getting sponsors.
Read-a-Thon Prizes – Everyone who raises at least $50.00 will receive 10% cash back of the total amount raised. The top fundraiser and top reader will receive $50.00; the second reader and fundraiser will receive $25.00. The class with the highest average funds raised will receive a lunch party. Also, the top 10 fundraisers ($250.00 minimum) win the Sky High Sports trip and meal.
No School – No school next Monday for Columbus Day.
Identification – Please write your child’s name on his belongings.
Basketball Game – We have another game scheduled this Friday, October 11 against Heritage Baptist Academy in Antioch at 4:30 p.m. The address is 5200 Heidorn Ranch Road, Antioch (925)778-2234.
Nail Polish – We have several bottles of O.P.I nail polish that were donated. The bottles are $5 each or 5 for $20.00.
October 07 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser begins
11 End of First Grading Period
12 School Board meeting
14 No School – Columbus Day
16 Report Cards to Parents
21 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Ends
24 Picture re-takes
11 End of First Grading Period
12 School Board meeting
14 No School – Columbus Day
16 Report Cards to Parents
21 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Ends
24 Picture re-takes