Picture Day was today - Please return any envelopes if you would like to make an order. Write checks to "lasting Memories" or enclose the exact cash amount.
Tuesday Teacher's Treats - Parents, if you would like to volunteer to provide Tuesday Teacher's Treats, please contact us.
Tuition - September tuition is due Wednesday, September 10th. However, if tuition is not received by Tuesday, a $20.00 late fee will be posted to your account.
Hot Lunch - We need volunteers to help with the hot lunch on Fridays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. If you help out for 4 times within the year, you will make up the 8 hours of volunteer hours. Hot lunch will start in October.
Accounts that issue a non-sufficient funds check to BCA will be assessed a $20.00 fee. If that outstanding account is not brought current by the 10th of the month, a late fee will also be applied.
Tardy Policy - When the bell rings at 8:30 am a student must be inside the classroom. If not, he is counted tardy. There is a $2.00 fee to your account for every unexcused tardy. Unexcused tardies are situations within your control including traffic. Examples of unexcused tardies are leaving the house late, getting up late, getting stuck in traffic. Excused tardies are situations beyond your control - having car trouble, getting in or being stuck behind an accident, being sick. Doctors appointments will also be excused.
Extended Care - Whenever you use Extended Care, please remember to sign your child in and out. E.C. hours are from Monday-Friday from 7:00 am - 8:00 am before school and from 3:15 pm - 6:00 pm after school. Please do not drop your child off before 7:00 am. The E.C. phone number to use only during these hours is (510)223-5733.
September 08 Picture Day - 9:00 am
13 School Board Meeting - 12:30 pm
23 Progress Reports
26 Grandparent's Day
October 06 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Begins
10 End of First Grading Period
11 School Board Meeting - 12:30 pm
13 No School - Columbus Day
15 Report Cards to Parents
20 Fundraiser Ends
23 Picture Make up Day
Bethel Christian Academy Pledges
United States Flag - I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, on nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Christian Flag - I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.
Bible - I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23
Tuesday Teacher's Treats - Parents, if you would like to volunteer to provide Tuesday Teacher's Treats, please contact us.
Tuition - September tuition is due Wednesday, September 10th. However, if tuition is not received by Tuesday, a $20.00 late fee will be posted to your account.
Hot Lunch - We need volunteers to help with the hot lunch on Fridays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. If you help out for 4 times within the year, you will make up the 8 hours of volunteer hours. Hot lunch will start in October.
Accounts that issue a non-sufficient funds check to BCA will be assessed a $20.00 fee. If that outstanding account is not brought current by the 10th of the month, a late fee will also be applied.
Tardy Policy - When the bell rings at 8:30 am a student must be inside the classroom. If not, he is counted tardy. There is a $2.00 fee to your account for every unexcused tardy. Unexcused tardies are situations within your control including traffic. Examples of unexcused tardies are leaving the house late, getting up late, getting stuck in traffic. Excused tardies are situations beyond your control - having car trouble, getting in or being stuck behind an accident, being sick. Doctors appointments will also be excused.
Extended Care - Whenever you use Extended Care, please remember to sign your child in and out. E.C. hours are from Monday-Friday from 7:00 am - 8:00 am before school and from 3:15 pm - 6:00 pm after school. Please do not drop your child off before 7:00 am. The E.C. phone number to use only during these hours is (510)223-5733.
September 08 Picture Day - 9:00 am
13 School Board Meeting - 12:30 pm
23 Progress Reports
26 Grandparent's Day
October 06 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Begins
10 End of First Grading Period
11 School Board Meeting - 12:30 pm
13 No School - Columbus Day
15 Report Cards to Parents
20 Fundraiser Ends
23 Picture Make up Day
Bethel Christian Academy Pledges
United States Flag - I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, on nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Christian Flag - I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.
Bible - I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23