Tuesday Teacher’s Treats will be provided by Mrs. Barbara Celestin. Thank you!
Hot Lunch – Hot lunch this Friday is a home-made cheese quesadilla, beans, lettuce, sour cream on the side, chocolate chips, and a drink for $5.00. An extra cheese quesadilla is $1.00. Please place your order by Wednesday.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – All applications and money for the competition must be turned in today for your name to be listed in the proper category of the competition. All students (1st-12th) participate in the academic events, which means each student needs to pay $5.00. The cost for the non-required events is $5 per event, with a maximum of $10 total. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition.
Bethel Spirit Wear – It’s here! The forms to order Spirit Wear (T-Shirts, polo shirts, and hoodies) was sent home with the newsflash. Make your choices and return the form by March 20th.
Registration – Registration is going on now. We are accepting new/returning student registration. The cost is $350.00. February registrations receive a $50.00 discount. Drop by the office and pick up a registration packet.
Target – We received a donation from Target totaling $129.59 for the Take Charge of Education Program. If you have a charge account with Target, you may sign up at the check-out register to designate Bethel in the Take Charge of Education program, and they will donate a percentage from your purchases.
February 27 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 04 Report Cards to Parents
13 Academic/Fine Arts Competition 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
7th-12th Grade Band/Choir Concert – 7:30 pm
Hot Lunch – Hot lunch this Friday is a home-made cheese quesadilla, beans, lettuce, sour cream on the side, chocolate chips, and a drink for $5.00. An extra cheese quesadilla is $1.00. Please place your order by Wednesday.
Academic/Fine Arts Competition – All applications and money for the competition must be turned in today for your name to be listed in the proper category of the competition. All students (1st-12th) participate in the academic events, which means each student needs to pay $5.00. The cost for the non-required events is $5 per event, with a maximum of $10 total. No student will pay more than $15 to compete in the competition.
Bethel Spirit Wear – It’s here! The forms to order Spirit Wear (T-Shirts, polo shirts, and hoodies) was sent home with the newsflash. Make your choices and return the form by March 20th.
Registration – Registration is going on now. We are accepting new/returning student registration. The cost is $350.00. February registrations receive a $50.00 discount. Drop by the office and pick up a registration packet.
Target – We received a donation from Target totaling $129.59 for the Take Charge of Education Program. If you have a charge account with Target, you may sign up at the check-out register to designate Bethel in the Take Charge of Education program, and they will donate a percentage from your purchases.
February 27 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 04 Report Cards to Parents
13 Academic/Fine Arts Competition 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
7th-12th Grade Band/Choir Concert – 7:30 pm