From the Principal’s Desk
Dear parents,
Thank you for taking the time to come in to speak with the teachers on Friday for the Parent/Teacher Conferences. We enjoy the time sharing with you our observations about your children with the intent of helping them become everything they can be. If you have any concerns about our performance as teachers or any other aspect of the child training, please feel free to let us know.
In talking with the teachers this morning during our teachers’ meeting about the conferences, they said that they valued the support they received from the parents. When parents and teachers are on the same page, we can accomplish so much more with the children. Sometimes we just need a few minutes together to make sure we understand each other, and then we work together to see the children improve.
Let me encourage you to give the teacher the benefit of the doubt. Whether in discipline, in grading, or in instruction, try to see things from the teacher’s side and assume the best. I believe as a whole this is happening, but I just want to give a friendly reminder. We are here to be a help to you. Thanks again.
Pastor Sutton
Dear parents,
Thank you for taking the time to come in to speak with the teachers on Friday for the Parent/Teacher Conferences. We enjoy the time sharing with you our observations about your children with the intent of helping them become everything they can be. If you have any concerns about our performance as teachers or any other aspect of the child training, please feel free to let us know.
In talking with the teachers this morning during our teachers’ meeting about the conferences, they said that they valued the support they received from the parents. When parents and teachers are on the same page, we can accomplish so much more with the children. Sometimes we just need a few minutes together to make sure we understand each other, and then we work together to see the children improve.
Let me encourage you to give the teacher the benefit of the doubt. Whether in discipline, in grading, or in instruction, try to see things from the teacher’s side and assume the best. I believe as a whole this is happening, but I just want to give a friendly reminder. We are here to be a help to you. Thanks again.
Pastor Sutton