Dear Kindergarten Parents:
Some of you have been asking about what kind of dress your children should wear for graduation night.
The girls may wear dresses or a skirt and blouse. Skirt or dress length should be below the knees. Dresses or skirts should not be too full or else the graduation gown will not fit easily over the dress. Also, the girls should not have pony tails or braids on top of their head or else the graduation cap will not fit properly.
Boys may wear dress pants, a nice shirt and tie, or suits. Please have them wear dress shoes; no tennis shoes.
Also, the graduation has been moved to Thursday night, May 26 at 7:30 in the church auditorium. Students should arrive no later than 7:00 pm. Thank you for your cooperation in this change. That morning at 9:30 we will be presenting our program in chapel. Parents are welcome to come to our first presentation.
Please note, the last day of school for kindergarten will be Thursday, May 26. We will dismiss at 3:00 pm. There will be NO SCHOOL for kindergarten on Friday, May 27.
In His Service,
Mrs. D. Smith
Kindergarten Teacher
Some of you have been asking about what kind of dress your children should wear for graduation night.
The girls may wear dresses or a skirt and blouse. Skirt or dress length should be below the knees. Dresses or skirts should not be too full or else the graduation gown will not fit easily over the dress. Also, the girls should not have pony tails or braids on top of their head or else the graduation cap will not fit properly.
Boys may wear dress pants, a nice shirt and tie, or suits. Please have them wear dress shoes; no tennis shoes.
Also, the graduation has been moved to Thursday night, May 26 at 7:30 in the church auditorium. Students should arrive no later than 7:00 pm. Thank you for your cooperation in this change. That morning at 9:30 we will be presenting our program in chapel. Parents are welcome to come to our first presentation.
Please note, the last day of school for kindergarten will be Thursday, May 26. We will dismiss at 3:00 pm. There will be NO SCHOOL for kindergarten on Friday, May 27.
In His Service,
Mrs. D. Smith
Kindergarten Teacher