From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents,
One of the things we teach our students is how to speak correctly. The words we say make a difference. Proverbs says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. The words we say can either build up or tear down. They can encourage the faint or they can discourage the strong. With this in mind, we also want our students to develop and maintain right speech in the language they use.
The Bible says in Ephesians 4:29 that no corrupt communication is to proceed out of our mouths; only words that are good should pass through our lips, for the purpose of edifying the hearer. Corrupt communication has many forms, including foul expressions. Four-letter words have no business being said. We are on the lookout for curse words and swear words, and phrases that take the Lord’s name in vain, and we put a stop to these words when we know they are being said.
But slang words are also inappropriate. Slang words could be thought of as euphemisms, nice ways of saying something bad. Most, if not all, four-letter words have a slightly softer version that can become acceptable to many people. But because of their association with their vulgar or hateful counterpart, we don’t allow these to be said either at Bethel. We are even careful with the phrase shut up. We just don’t allow students to say it. It is unkind.
It is true that some words are worse than others, but we work at dealing with all forms of inappropriate or sinful speech because we want to honor the Lord in the words that we say. We also want to maintain a wholesome environment in which the students can gain an education. Thus, we appreciate all support that you give to us in the area of speech.
Pastor Sutton
Dear Parents,
One of the things we teach our students is how to speak correctly. The words we say make a difference. Proverbs says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. The words we say can either build up or tear down. They can encourage the faint or they can discourage the strong. With this in mind, we also want our students to develop and maintain right speech in the language they use.
The Bible says in Ephesians 4:29 that no corrupt communication is to proceed out of our mouths; only words that are good should pass through our lips, for the purpose of edifying the hearer. Corrupt communication has many forms, including foul expressions. Four-letter words have no business being said. We are on the lookout for curse words and swear words, and phrases that take the Lord’s name in vain, and we put a stop to these words when we know they are being said.
But slang words are also inappropriate. Slang words could be thought of as euphemisms, nice ways of saying something bad. Most, if not all, four-letter words have a slightly softer version that can become acceptable to many people. But because of their association with their vulgar or hateful counterpart, we don’t allow these to be said either at Bethel. We are even careful with the phrase shut up. We just don’t allow students to say it. It is unkind.
It is true that some words are worse than others, but we work at dealing with all forms of inappropriate or sinful speech because we want to honor the Lord in the words that we say. We also want to maintain a wholesome environment in which the students can gain an education. Thus, we appreciate all support that you give to us in the area of speech.
Pastor Sutton