Hot Lunch – Hot Lunch this Friday will consist of chicken nuggets, a pack of cookies, fruit roll ups, and a drink for $4.00. An extra order of chicken nuggets is $1.00. Please turn in your order by Thursday.
Tuesday Teacher’s Treats – If you would like to provide Tuesday Teacher’s Treats, call or drop by the office. We have all Tuesdays available from now until May.
Registration – Registration for the 2012-2013 school year for continuing students will start February 1st. K-8 is $250, and 9-12 is $260. All registrations received in the month of February will receive a $10 discount.
Science/History Board – Each 4th -12th grade student will need a display board for the Science/History Fair. Please pick up your board from the office. The cost is $6.00 per board. 7th-12th grade students will need to pay an additional $2.50 for the log book.
Open House – Make plans to visit the school next Friday evening at 7:30pm to observe the science/history projects the students have been working on. Everyone is invited.
January 20 End of Third Grading Period – End of First Semester
25 Report Cards to Parents
27 Open House – Science/History Fair – 7:30-9:00pm
February 01 Returning Student Registration
03 Spelling Bee (4th-8th grades) for national competition – 8:45am
11 School Board Meeting – 12:30pm
14 Progress Reports to parents
20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. I Peter 3:12
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