From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents,
This coming Friday is Grandparents Day. We hold this special day each year as a way to honor the grandparents of our students. There are two major aspects to this goal of honoring that we want to accomplish: respect by our students and enjoyment of our grandparents.
The Bible teaches that a society is to honor those who have lived a long time. When God was establishing societal law for the children of Israel, He gave them this command:
“Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:32).
The hoary-head person is the one with gray hair or perhaps white hair. These beautiful silver streaks come with age; and with age comes experience, and coupled with Scripture, wisdom. God wants us to value those who have lived long, even as God is called the Ancient of Days. He also wants us to learn lessons from those who have gone before us. Learning to respect elders ties into respecting God. Thus, we want our children to respect their elders. This honors our grandparents.
At the same time, we want our grandparents to enjoy the school experience of their grandchildren. Proverbs says that children’s children are the crown of old men (17:6). Grandchildren are a reward to their grandparents, and we want to provide another occasion in which grandparents can enjoy the fruit of their labors, thus honor our grandparents.
With that said, we hope that your children’s grandparents can join us this Friday. They are welcome to sit in the classroom and attend chapel during the morning hours and then stay for a complimentary lunch. If they can come, please fill out the attendance form on the back page of the Newsflash so that we can prepare for their arrival. I always enjoy this day, and we hope our grandparents can too.
Pastor Sutton
Dear Parents,
This coming Friday is Grandparents Day. We hold this special day each year as a way to honor the grandparents of our students. There are two major aspects to this goal of honoring that we want to accomplish: respect by our students and enjoyment of our grandparents.
The Bible teaches that a society is to honor those who have lived a long time. When God was establishing societal law for the children of Israel, He gave them this command:
“Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:32).
The hoary-head person is the one with gray hair or perhaps white hair. These beautiful silver streaks come with age; and with age comes experience, and coupled with Scripture, wisdom. God wants us to value those who have lived long, even as God is called the Ancient of Days. He also wants us to learn lessons from those who have gone before us. Learning to respect elders ties into respecting God. Thus, we want our children to respect their elders. This honors our grandparents.
At the same time, we want our grandparents to enjoy the school experience of their grandchildren. Proverbs says that children’s children are the crown of old men (17:6). Grandchildren are a reward to their grandparents, and we want to provide another occasion in which grandparents can enjoy the fruit of their labors, thus honor our grandparents.
With that said, we hope that your children’s grandparents can join us this Friday. They are welcome to sit in the classroom and attend chapel during the morning hours and then stay for a complimentary lunch. If they can come, please fill out the attendance form on the back page of the Newsflash so that we can prepare for their arrival. I always enjoy this day, and we hope our grandparents can too.
Pastor Sutton