Spelling Bee - Danielle Malacas (6th grade) won the 4th-8th Grade Spelling Bee last Friday! She will be representing Bethel at the Contra Costa Times Regional Spelling Bee in Walnut Creek. Second place went to Macayla Brown, and Erika Pe came in third place. Congratulations!
Progress Reports - Progress reports come out this week.
Hot Lunch - Hot lunch this Friday will consist of a hot dog, a pack of cheez-its, a fruit, and a drink for $4.00. An extra hot dog is $1.00. Please turn your orders in by Thursday.
Competition - All students participate in the academic events; therefore, each student will need to pay $5.00. The cost for further events is $5 per event. No student will pay more than $15.00 total to compete in the competition. You must register for events by this Friday, February 11.
Volunteer Hours/Competition Help - If you can take time off to help with the competition in March, we could use your assistance. Remember that competition help can count towards your volunteer hours.
Website - This is http://www.bcaelsobrante.org. Please pass the word on about the site!
February 08 Progress Reports to parents
12 School Board Meeting - 12:30pm
21 NO SCHOOL - President's Day
25 End of Fourth Grading Period
March 01 New Student Registration
02 Report Cards to Parents
04 Academic/Fine Arts Competition - 8:30am - 3:30pm
04 Spring Band/Choir Concert - 7th-12th Grades - 7:30pm
9-11 Independent Baptist Academic/Fine Arts Competition - 7th-12th Grades in Ogden, Utah
18 NO SCHOOL - Teacher's Personal Business Day
22 Progress Reports to Parents
Volleyball Game Schedule:
February 11 Away Game at Calvary - Fairfield - 5:00pm
18 Away Game at Hopewell - Napa - T.B.A
25 Away Game at Berean - Rohnert Park - 6:00pm
28 Home Game against Heritage - 3:30pm
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13