From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
The Bible guides us in every area of life, including child training. A verse in Scripture that teaches us the goal of child training as well as the process is is Ephesians 6:4
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Here the Apostle Paul tells us that the goal of child training is "to bring them up." The process by which this is done is "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Last time we talked about the goal; today we will talk about the process.
The book of Psalms teaches us that the Lord is to be the builder of a house.
"Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it" (Psalm 127:1).
The Lord is to be the Grand Architect offering the great design for developing the family. He accomplishes much of His work through the lives of parents who willingly comply with divine construction plans for building the lives of their children. When we as parents cooperate with the Lord, He uses us to impart righteous nurture and admonition.
The word nurture has the idea of discipline. The word was used in ancient times to describe the overall training given to a child and included the practice of discipline. Whether it is academics, physical development, or social skills, much of what children learn comes as a result of discipline. Discipline can refer to physical punishment, and it can also refer to self-control. Ultimately, we want children to mature so that they can limit their appetites and behavior to that which pleases God.
Admonition speaks of corrective instruction. In other words, children need to know what to believe and how to behave. Parents have the responsibility of putting right thinking into the minds of their children. God wants to influence the way children think so that they think His thoughts and fulfill His will.
When we put the verse together again, we find that parents, especially dads, have the responsibility of raising their children to the point of maturity in the kind of discipline and instruction that proceeds from the Lord. When we follow the Bible in training right behavior and right beliefs, we become tools the Lord uses to accomplish His will in correctly maturing our children. Following the Bible in all that it says results in children turning out the way the Lord wants. What a privilege to be used by god to raise our children, but what a responsibility!
Pastor Sutton
Dear Parents,
The Bible guides us in every area of life, including child training. A verse in Scripture that teaches us the goal of child training as well as the process is is Ephesians 6:4
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Here the Apostle Paul tells us that the goal of child training is "to bring them up." The process by which this is done is "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Last time we talked about the goal; today we will talk about the process.
The book of Psalms teaches us that the Lord is to be the builder of a house.
"Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it" (Psalm 127:1).
The Lord is to be the Grand Architect offering the great design for developing the family. He accomplishes much of His work through the lives of parents who willingly comply with divine construction plans for building the lives of their children. When we as parents cooperate with the Lord, He uses us to impart righteous nurture and admonition.
The word nurture has the idea of discipline. The word was used in ancient times to describe the overall training given to a child and included the practice of discipline. Whether it is academics, physical development, or social skills, much of what children learn comes as a result of discipline. Discipline can refer to physical punishment, and it can also refer to self-control. Ultimately, we want children to mature so that they can limit their appetites and behavior to that which pleases God.
Admonition speaks of corrective instruction. In other words, children need to know what to believe and how to behave. Parents have the responsibility of putting right thinking into the minds of their children. God wants to influence the way children think so that they think His thoughts and fulfill His will.
When we put the verse together again, we find that parents, especially dads, have the responsibility of raising their children to the point of maturity in the kind of discipline and instruction that proceeds from the Lord. When we follow the Bible in training right behavior and right beliefs, we become tools the Lord uses to accomplish His will in correctly maturing our children. Following the Bible in all that it says results in children turning out the way the Lord wants. What a privilege to be used by god to raise our children, but what a responsibility!
Pastor Sutton