From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
We are planning to operate school tomorrow, Friday, October 13. We are keeping children inside during the day and limiting any outside exposure. Recesses and lunch are inside and there is no PE class. Sports practices are canceled until further notice as
is tomorrow afternoon's basketball game. Air quality is projected to improve by Monday, so we will plan to have class on Monday.
If you wish to keep your child home tomorrow, you may. We will not count it as an absence.
If there are any changes affecting whether or not we will have classes, we will post a notice here.
Thank you,
Pastor Sutton
Dear Parents,
We are planning to operate school tomorrow, Friday, October 13. We are keeping children inside during the day and limiting any outside exposure. Recesses and lunch are inside and there is no PE class. Sports practices are canceled until further notice as
is tomorrow afternoon's basketball game. Air quality is projected to improve by Monday, so we will plan to have class on Monday.
If you wish to keep your child home tomorrow, you may. We will not count it as an absence.
If there are any changes affecting whether or not we will have classes, we will post a notice here.
Thank you,
Pastor Sutton