Tuesday Teacher’s Treats will be provided by Mrs. Cathy Sutton. Thank You!
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch for Friday is 2 slices of pizza, gogurt, and a drink for $4.00. An extra slice of pizza is $1.50. Please bring your order and money to your teacher by Thursday.
Yearbook Sponsors – If you could help sponsor the school yearbook, we would be appreciative. The price for a 1/8 page ad (business cardp is $50. The price for a ¼ page ad is $100. A ½ page ad is $200, and a full page is $400. Turn in your ad and fees by the end of the week to be included in this year’s yearbooks.
Registration – Make sure to register if you are planning to return to Bethel in the fall. K-8th is $300.00, 9th-12th is $320.00. Come and pick up the registration packet in the office.
Meal/Auction/1st-6th Grade Music and Drama Program – Each class will be making a basket for the auction. You can contribute new items to the basket or ask a merchant to contribute items. The amount you spend can be deducted from your $200.00 requirement or the time you spend soliciting merchants can be deducted from your 8 hours.
Tuition – May tuition is due Friday, May 10th, the last tuition bill. Please make sure that the balance is paid off.
Extended Care – There will be 2 more extended care billings for 4/16/13 – 5/15/13 and 5/16/13 – 5/31/13 which will be billed in June.
Tardies – The tardies from April 16th - May 31st will also be billed in June.
Volunteer Hours – You may still make up any unfulfilled volunteer hours, or you may choose to donate the equivalent to the school. Any unfulfilled hours is included in your May bill.
Craft Camp – The Craft Camp is coming up July 8th – 13th, look for the registration coming up
May 10 Auction Fundraiser/1st-6th Grade Music and Drama Program – 5:30 PM – Church
11 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
14 Progress Reports
24 Kindergarten Dismissed at 12:00 noon – No Extended Care for Kindergarten
24 Kindergarten Graduation – 7:30 PM
27 NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day
30 Field Day
31 Last Day of School – Dismissed at 12:00 noon – No Extended Care
31 Awards Chapel
31 End of Sixth Grading Period – End of Second Semester
31 8th-Grade Graduation – 7;30 PM – Church Auditorium
June 02 12th-Grade Graduation – 3:00 PM – Church Auditorium
05 Report Cards to Parents
08 School Board Meeting – 12:30 PM
10 Summer School Begins
28 Summer School Ends
Honor Roll
Congratulations to all the BCA students who worked hard to earn their way to the fifth grading honor roll !
First Grade Fifth Grade
Bryan Almeida Nya Brown
Ryan Lontoc Isaiah Capers
Elani Obelton Victoria Sutton
Nehemiah Pitters
Eunice Rodriguez Seventh Grade
Ashlee Thongvanh
Gabi Brandenburg
Second Grade Zacky Liou
Nathaniel Brown Eighth Grade
Jermaine Hargraves
Kaya Hazel Macayla Brown
Nassir Pitters Amanda Forsberg
Nigel Pitters Danielle Malacas
Madeline Seevers
Angelina Sigaran High School
Joy Stager
Bryan Rodriguez-9
Third Grade Natalie Brandenburg-10
Claire Parker-10
Obadiah Liou Clarissa Sutton-12
Giselle Lontoc
Gabrielle Malacas
Melissa Parker
Deep Patel
Fourth Grade
Katrina Stager
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.Psalm 150:6