Read-a-Thon Sponsor Sheet |
Tuesday Teacher’s Treats will be provided by Mrs. Sylvia Burrough. Thank you!
Thank you to all the students and parents who donated all the food, drinks, and supplies for Grandparent’s Day.
Volunteers – We want to thank all of those parents who volunteered last Friday. Thank you for all of the hard work to make Grandparent’s Day a success. The grandparents enjoyed their special day with their grandchildren.
Read-a-Thon Fundraiser – The Read-a-Thon Fundraiser starts today, and students can spend the next week getting sponsors. The reading will begin next Monday and will last for two weeks. Read as much as you can and get as many sponsors as you can. We ask that every student participate. The goal is for each student to raise at least $100. The amount we raise will go toward a new steel railing on the elementary side. Reading sheets will go home next week.
October 06 End of First Grading Period
09 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Begins
09 NO SCHOOL – Columbus Day
11 Report Cards to Parents
23 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Ends
25 Picture Make Up Day – 9:00 AM
31 Progress Reports
November 06 Turn in Read-a-Thon Money
09-10 NO SCHOOL – Word of Truth Conference – Bethel Baptist Church
15 End of Second Grading Period
17 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
Parent/Teacher Conferences – 12:00-4:00pm/7:00-9:00PM (Other times
may be scheduled)
22 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
23-24 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Vacation
27 Back to School – 8:30 am
Thank you to all the students and parents who donated all the food, drinks, and supplies for Grandparent’s Day.
Volunteers – We want to thank all of those parents who volunteered last Friday. Thank you for all of the hard work to make Grandparent’s Day a success. The grandparents enjoyed their special day with their grandchildren.
Read-a-Thon Fundraiser – The Read-a-Thon Fundraiser starts today, and students can spend the next week getting sponsors. The reading will begin next Monday and will last for two weeks. Read as much as you can and get as many sponsors as you can. We ask that every student participate. The goal is for each student to raise at least $100. The amount we raise will go toward a new steel railing on the elementary side. Reading sheets will go home next week.
October 06 End of First Grading Period
09 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Begins
09 NO SCHOOL – Columbus Day
11 Report Cards to Parents
23 Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Ends
25 Picture Make Up Day – 9:00 AM
31 Progress Reports
November 06 Turn in Read-a-Thon Money
09-10 NO SCHOOL – Word of Truth Conference – Bethel Baptist Church
15 End of Second Grading Period
17 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
Parent/Teacher Conferences – 12:00-4:00pm/7:00-9:00PM (Other times
may be scheduled)
22 School Dismissed at 12:00 Noon – No Afternoon Extended Care
23-24 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Vacation
27 Back to School – 8:30 am